Show TT B i i aw I 1 DEMON OP DISCORD AMONG the COUNTY commissioners COMMISSIO stanford submits report on consolidation of school districts and carries motion at the afternoon session of the county commissioners the demon of discord again broke loose over the matter ot consolidating the school districts of the county in one district commissioners ners madsen and stanford stood together on the program which had evidently been previously outlined while mr wilson took the opposite side until he saw it was no us ethen itis stated that he ceased lottering ottering ott ering objections and the original schedule was carried out mr stanford started tha happenings by offering first a preliminary report then a further report which included the necessary motions tho latter were taken up separately after the reading of the report and after considerable discussion they were all passed favorably upon earlier in the day a protest was received from eden school district signed by a number of residents of that district aho vho objected to tha proposed consolidation and asked that eden district be excluded from it the report submitted by mr stanford upon tho question was as follows gentlemen preliminary to the introduction tro of our report and a plan 0 procedure for your action in the matter of weber county public schools I 1 wish to state your committee has considered carefully and advisedly every chasa of this important question we awe examined those sections of the new school law which directly bear upon the duties of the board of county commissioners ners as to their action to make the law operative in weber county and after consultation with county attorney have outlined the plan of procedure presented the grouping of school districts into five representative precincts is made so as to as nearly as possible equally divide the school population of the county which the bablo annexed to our report will verity in naming the members of the board of education of cheso gen bemen are from the present trustees of the two largest school districts all are competent men and well and favor ably known in the community the urgency tor action at this time is based upon the fact that to make the law operative in 1905 action must be taken by the board of county commissioners ners by the second monday in july dy so doing it will give the school board time to meet and become familiar with the situation and arrive at the facts as to the amount of money needled to operate the schools for the current year and bo able to report to tho board of county commissioners la time to have the same included in the general tax levy of the present year in conclusion gentlemen I 1 believe we can taka satisfaction in the transition of the school government of weber county from under as ald law to the new one many prominent citizens have expressed to me their hearty endorsement of our proposed action the prejudice to any change from old methods we learn Is fast giving way and the establishment of the more progressive gres sive advanced control in the management and conduct of our common schools will bring much better results respectfully submitted on behalf of abo committee JOSEPH STANFORD chairman gentlemen on behalf of the committee appointed to submit a report for the consolidation soli dation of the school districts of weber county and provide in said re port for the manner of procedure in carrying into effect the provisions of chapter laws of utah 1905 relating to school districts of the first class approved march 9 1905 I 1 beg to submit the following whereas weber county outside of the corporate limits of ogden city has a school population of mora than three thousand pupils from six to eighteen years of age to child ren as appears from the last enumeration e ported to the office of tte weber county superintendent of schools and whereas by virtue of said school population as aforesaid weber county outside of the corporate limits of ogden city comes under the provisions of the law passed by the last legislature and approved by the governor oa march therefore I 1 move that the now existing school districts in weber county to wit school district no 1 embracing the school population in the settlements of hooper roy kanes ville taylor wilson and garland school district no 2 embracing the school population in the of plain city poplar warren and farr west the school districts of north ogden pleasant view harrisville randall west weber marriott Rl verdale burch hiie perry eden huntsville and liberty be and the same are hereby abolished I 1 further move that all the terri tory of weber county outside of the corporate limits of ogden city and the school population residing therein be and the same Is hereby organized under the provisions of chapter laws of utah 1905 into one school district to be known as weber county school district I 1 further move that the precincts of weber county be organized into five representative precincts to be known as the school representative precincts of weber county for the election of one representative from each representative precinct thua organized to form the board of education to control in all matters pertaining to the interests of the public school population of weber county that the precincts of north ogden pleasant view harrisville and randall be known as school representative precinct no 1 that the precincts of hooper kanesville Kanes ville taylor west weber and roy be known as school representative precinct no 2 that the precincts of wilson garland marriott Ri verdale burch creek and be known as school representative precinct no S that the precincts of plain city farr west warren slaterville Slat erville and perry be known as school representative precinct no 4 and that the precincts of eden huntsville and liberty be known as school representative precinct no 6 and whereas said weber county school district is by law constituted 9 county school district of ahe first class and the public school system therein is required to be under the control of a board of education consisting of five members one from each of five representative precincts within said district therefore ba it resolved by the board of county commissioners of weber county that B F blaylock sr be appointed member of tho board of education in and tor school precinct no 1 that antoaio christensen arbe appointed a member of the board education in and for school precinct no 2 that F W stratford be appointed as member of the board of education in and foe school prec no 3 that J B carver be appointed member of the board of education in and for school precinct no 4 that john halls be appointed member of the board of education in and tor school precinct no 5 each being a resident qualified registered voter in the school representative precinct from which he is designated said members of the said board of aduca alon to constitute tho board of aduca tion of said weber county school district to servo until the first meeting of the board of education in january 1906 and until their bors have been duly elected and have qualified the official bond of each of eald members of tho board of education Is hereby fixed at and tha salary of each member of said board ol 01 education of weber county school district Is hereby fixed at per annum or so much thereof according to the time served JOSEPH STANFORD chairman th proposed division of the awen ty tour school districts outside of ogden together with the school population and trustees Is as follows 1 north ogden north ogdan pleasant view harrisville randall 43 total B F blaylock sr trustee 2 hooper hooper kanesville Kanes ville 80 taylor west weber roy 87 total antone christensen trustee 3 wilson alkon garland 91 marriott 81 Ri verdale burch creek uintah 77 total F W stratford trustee 4 plain city plain city poplar 35 farr west warren erville 54 perry 62 total J B carver trustee 6 ogden valley eden hunes valle liberty total george H halls trustee with this matter out of the way tha matter of accepting bids for the ing of the bridges in ogden canyon was then taken up and the bid accepted tor work was that of J H ham and the amount was 46 the other bidders were T C morris W S allson ingebretson wadman 70 and G A miller son 55 commissioners wilson and madsen who had been appointed a committee to investigate the different road rollers and rock crushers on exhibition at the worlds fair reported on the matter stating thai they had been greatly benefited by their trip from the fact that they had learned much about two machines which the county will purchase when they can see way clear to do BO the monthly quota of bills was then passed upon by the board after which an adjournment was taken until next monday |