Show WOMEN TO MAKE FIGHT IN OREGON under initiative and referendum law they will call for equal suffrage portland ore july 3 at the opening of the national woman suffrage associations convention today tho resolution by mrs carry chapman catt vice ai large was adopted unanimously and enthusiastically it was moved that tho national woman suffrage association accept the invitation of the ogden equal suffrage association and operate cooperate co with them to carry tho coming campaign to a final victory this Is the notice of opening of a campaign tor woman suffrage in the state of oregon under that initiative and referendum recently adopted under tho new law when five per cent of the number who voted at the last election for chief justice of the supreme court ask for the submission ot a question to tho popular vote the secretary of state must submit it the necessary signatures tho woman expect to have by september ast 1st as moat of them havo already been obtained the campaign will then be opened and the question voted on in june the report ot mrs henry waldo coe president and dr jeffrey meyers vice president of the oregon associations shows members in the port land club and 62 now suffrage clubs formed in the state during the past year reports from the states showed the securing in minnesota of equal guardianship of children for mothers oklahoma reported through organization to secure woman suffrage in the constitution for statehood which will soon be framed it Is supported by the federation of labor and tho orange ohio reported the state well organized and ready to ask the submission of a woman suffrage amendment from the legislature new york reported the formation of 32 nev cluba during the past year and an enrollment of paid members six hundred newspapers publishing he matter sent out by the national press bureau and paid into the state treasury in tho past year paris july 3 owing to tho death of secretary hay the american chamber of commerce of paris has decided to aban doii the fourth of july banquet which was to havo a a notable occasion with ambassador mccormack McCorm lck and senator depew as |