Show evidence of dissensions among the mutineers Muti on the kniaz Warship escapes attack of the torpedo destroyer st petersburg july 5 the battle ship kniaz nas arrived at theodosea Theod osla a port on the eastern shore of the crimean peninsula without the torpedo boat which she towed to wed out ot the harbor of Kusten jl it is believed the battleship took the crew of the torpedo boat on board and abandoned or sank her while on toe way to theo cosla the torpedo boafo destroyer Smet ilvy which went in pursuit of the kniaz evidently failed to overtake her as she has not been reported all idea of trying to sink the kniaz has now been abandoned by the admiralty as a report from tha authorities of theodosia says there are dissensions among the mutineers muti a portion of the crew favoring surrendering fighting Is believed to have occurred on board the battleship during the voyage this is supported by the demand tor a doctor the ship is short of provisions and coal and the admiralty believes her career will soon be ended the ring leaders of the mutiny however realizing that they have put their heads in the noose and that they kave nothing to lose have demanded commercial coal and provis 1 ona from under the threat of bombarding the town they are trying to make for poll trans cau casia where they may get the support of the revolutionists baltouma Balt oum which Is fortified is too dangerous a haven in the absence of supporting warships it is doubtful whether the authorities of theodosia care to resist the demands of the mutineers muti the american steamer carone with refugees from port arthur on board is at theodosia all shipping in the black sea has been warned against the kniaz tem kine which in view of the desperate situation of her crew probably will not hesitate to hoist the skau and crossbones st Petersburg July 5 with the publication li cation in the official messenger of the occurrence of the tragedy at odessa the hand of the censorship Is raised and all the papers are filled with columns upon columns of accounts from the foreign papers leaving aside the machinations of the revolutionists the press with one voice declares that the mutinies on board ship of the black sea fleet were the result of the rotten system in vogue in the russian navy the blue jackets being utterly neglected and the officers living ashore except during the brief cruises captain clado in a long review affirms that the question of food was a mere pretext the real cause being deeper in the complete lack of sympathy between the men ana their officers most of whom he said are disgustingly incompetent owing their positions to influence at SL petersburg they care nothing tor good service or the well being and contentment of the men other writers some of whom evidently are high in the service but who write under assumed names in a most savage fashion declare that the bureaucracy regime in the navy is only reaping what it has sown and plainly intimate that similar conditions exist in the army fear says the clovo is the sola basis of discipline in the army ana navy and will prove as poor an instrument ment tor keeping the rank and tila loyal to the throne as it has in the suppression of discontent among the people the government should learn the lesson that the soldiers and sailors are beginning to awaken as the people have already awakened DEMANDS COAL july 5 the russian battleship kniaz has arrived here and asked for coal provisions and medical attendance the mutineers muti demanded that the authorities guarantee their safety during tho stay of the ship here MET THE battleship bucharest july 5 the captain of a vessel which hs just arrived hero from galilea reports that they met the battleship kniaz going toward bagoum SECRETARY OF WAR TAFT spends a quiet day in san francisco san francisco july 5 in consideration of this day being the day of tho funeral of the late secretary of state hay secretary of war taft and his party decided to forego the transaction of all official business this morning mr taft breakfasted with governor carter of hawaii and announced that he would visit golden gate park he was undecided whether be would clude the presidio military reservation in his trip tonight the secretary will dine with his cousin mrs hattle blake of berkeley miss roosevelt also the day very quietly seeing some personal friends r 1 1 1 i prohibition WAR CRY new york july 5 al the prohibition rallies held throughout the country a new declaration of has been read the document issued for the national prohibition alliance movement follows the phraseology of the declaration of the object of its arraignment houwer is what it calls the impending tyranny of the liquor traffic and this is the motive for its appeal to the patriots of america in the fortnight the appeal hag received the signatures of many men prominent in the education professional fess ional and religious world the intention is that its circulation shall not be limited to fourth of july celebia ce lebra alons but it shall hauef a prominent part in the prohibition movement at all times EPWORTH LEAGUERS denver colo july delegations of members of the epworth league from minnesota wisconsin illinois iowa kansas and south dakota to attend the seventh international convention have arrived the extreme eastern and pacific coast delegations are due today and when all have arrived it la predicted that at least visitors will be in the city the convention opens tomorrow in three divisions held in as many dlf i ferent halls |