Show COLOR AND NOISE MARK OUR GREAT ANNIVERSARY ubiquitous fire cracker Is heard and fire laddies and police prepare for work from tuesdays standard last night old glory was floated to the breeze from hundreds of flag poles and buildings about the city and the many shop windows formed by the decorators art in anticipation ci oe this our great independence day today will come a time of noise and of accidents of all days during the of the year this one Is tho most dreaded by the fire laddies and when the last sounds of the alre crackers die away tonight they will heave a sigh of relief that can only come with the ending of the day the police department too will be glad when its over as their troubles commenced in advance of many others for the reason that the small boy began his celebration several days in advance of the ath the mayors proclamation restricting the use of fireworks to certain territories did its share to make the life of the policemen miserable and yet it was not until near the midnight hour that the first arrest was made for shooting firecrackers fire crackers to special officer R Eg gleaton belongs the honor of having caused the first arrest for this offense and aba man arrested was H kissinger who put up a forfeit for his appearance in police court other arrests followed in rapid succession after break was made and a trio was captured by sergeant wilson and officer tout on lower awen ty fifth street shortly before the midnight hour A large force of special officers were put on duty yesterday in the excepted districts and they were in a large measure successful in keeping the discharge of fireworks reduced to a minimum the hospitals and doctors will also do overtime today tor a fourth would not be complete without its many attending accidents the fourth of july is a great day in many ways how many really think of the cause that made it one of the most important holidays in the history of the country |