Show CARRYING CALVIN TO BEDSIDE OF HIS DAUGHTER average speed from sparks nevada miles an hour thirty five minutes to salt lake to reach the bedside ot a sick daughter general manager E E calvin of the southern pacific railroad and mrs calan made a record run from sparks nevada to salt lake city the entire distance being covered in 10 hours and 21 minutes their daughter miss nellie calvin who has been visiting in salt lake was stricken on monday with appendicitis and the physician in attendance decided that an immediate operation vas necessary general manager calvin was notified of his daughters illness and at once ordered a special for which he had the tracks cleared the train left sparks soon after midnight in charge of conductor joe holland and engineer oliver who handled the train to cariln nevada where engine 2402 took the place of engine and conductor W reevs and engineer 0 B murphy took charge and handled the train to salt lake city the special had the right of way over all other trains and at times attained a speed of 90 miles an hour for fifty milea at once place the train was obliged to proceed slowly in account of ballasting and track raising which was being done A fourteen mile run was mado in eleven minutes excellent time was made over og don lucan although tharo were two short delays the distance fron ogden to salt lake was made in 35 minutes exclusive of a twelve delay caused by a steel gang the distance from sparks to ogdan miles was made in 9 hours and 46 minutes which lg the record for that run and is an average of 55 miles an hour on arriving in sal lake mr and mrs cariln proceeded at to the bedside of their daughter whom they found to have rallied from the operation and to be doing nicely |