Show SESSIONS OF WOMEN suffragists portland ore july 5 the national comans womans suffrage brought its meetings to a close today alter one of the busiest sessions 0 the convention A vast number ot resolutions and reports were attended to and an address was given by rabbi ehll 0 hirschoff of chicago in the afternoon dr harsch made a forceful argument tor woman suffrage showing the anomaly ot trusting the training ot our future citizens to woman teachers and refusing to thesa teachers themselves the highest dieges lieges ot citizenship t the great reforms of the day he said are in the hands of women who not allowed to vote on them when they come before the people for sst tl ement this the speaker pronounced an outrage on women and a loss to the country airs florance Flors nce kelley in her report on industrial problems affecting women and children today made the strong point that the weakness of tho suffrage movement has been that it has not enlisted the active support of the working men and urged that the two great forces join hands to work for the protection of women and children breadwinners and for woman suffrage suf through which this can be obtained mrs maud wood park president of the massachusetts woman suffrage league and sirs charlotte allman were the speakers ot the evening the convention closed with a symposium of prominent portland men who put themselves on record as favoring woman suffrage and ready to aid the campaign |