Show ATTACKED iylah orson suffers prom many knife wounds A roan either insane or crazed with drink came near to killing orson saunders of twenty second street on a short line train coming from salt lake last night mr flers with some had been spending the day in salt lake and was returning on the late train when the fracas occurred at the time he was seated in tha smoking car with his companions when a stranger entered the car the man at drew a knafo and made a savage attack upon saunders cutting deep gashes behind hia car across his car and alongside hla throat before the man could be pulled away and overpowered mr saunders dera friends subdued and held the man until the ogden depot was reached but in alighting from the train the roan wrenched himself free from his captors and disappeared in the darkness st petersburg july 4 prices on the bourse were steadier today imperial as closing at yesterdays figures |