Show RUSSIAN POLICE ARE j sf petersburg july S joseph mandelkern del kern a real estate dealer in new york who has just arrived in st petersburg from poland where he visit 1 ed warsaw glodz and other centers declares that state ot anarchy exists there which the military and police are admittedly powerless to handle he brings startling information about the bendan and other revolutionary organizations like similar organizations in baucas caucas sua they have forbidden the payment of taxes under the penalty of death and are levying tribute for the purpose ot resistance to the government ha says air the members of the organizations are armed with revolvers and knavss and are defying the police to interfere with them under threats of death air mandelkern adds that on thursday he saw a procession of 60 00 persons at warsaw carrying red flags with not a policeman in sight the police having been warned that it they appeared they would be murdered ID mr mandelkern says the revolutionists are actually wearing a sort of uniform a blue blouse the organization mr Mandle says is not seeking tor separation but wads a constitution which would give to poland an autonomous government the panic caused by the animals escape resulted in the inevitable rush for the exit and many persons were trampled upon nobody however was seriously injured |