Show SALT LAKE OF THE r af from our special correspondent consolidation SCHEME county board adopts resolutions combining school districts at the meeting of the board of county commissioners monday chairman allson introduced resolutions which carry into effect the consolidation of the school districts of the county into two districts as provided in a bill passed by the last legislature the resolutions also name the members of the board of education for the two districts and fix their salaries at per annum for each member and their bond at each resolutions were also in produced trod by chairman allson setting a time and place for the two boards to meet and organize all of the resolutions were adopted oy a unanimous vole the trustees of the jordan district are E A bateman C C crapo he A smith john hansen jr and C H roberts and they are to serve until the first meeting of the board of education in january 1906 they ara to meet tor organization at sandy in the city hall on wednesday july 5 1905 at 2 the members 0 the board for the granite district are C M sorensen A S gabbott E D morgan N W erickson and W J home and they are to serve until the same time as the others they will meet tor organization in the central school building at farmers ward on monday july 10 at 2 p m SALT LAKE NOTES colonel N W clabion has gone to island park alth mr bancroft and other prominent railroad men to fish and hunt A party of shoshone power company officials will travel from this city to auger falls ida by automobile in a few days to locate transmission stations tor the proposed power line to this city N hagala the japanese who acal dently shot himself in the abdomen recently while hunting died monday evening at the holy cross hospital from the effects of the accident and his countrymen resident in this city will give him burial local contractors are it hard to get all the bricklayers they want as many left town last tall tor los angeles when it seemed as though there would be little doing in salt lake this season and now wages are as high as 8 per da the total collections 0 the internal revenue office for the fiscal year ending juno 30 1905 amounted to as against for the previous year an increase this year of the collection this year established a new record but collector callister is of the opinion that the en using year show a still greater increase and the will go over A man named J V morse was arrested monday by officer olson for peddling without a license his wares consisted of a number of live chame leons which he was disposing of on the street he was much surprised when informed that he must take out a license and was more surprised when required to put up a 10 bond he will appear before judge diehl today one francisco was arraigned before judge blehl monday on a charge of vagrancy the fellow coundit cound nt understand der stand english neither could he comprehend spanish of the brand dealt out by his honor with officer ehll johnson as interpreter it was ascertained that the man had been working on the san pedro road at las vegas he w as perfectly willing to leave town and the judge said go seven youngsters were on monday arrested tor prematurely celebrating the fourth contrary to the rules established by the city authorities four of the lads appeared in court while three had been let go on their promise to show up in court failing to keep their word judge diehl ordered bench warrants to be issued tor their appearance and the case of the four was postponed until the others would be present another boy was arrested by patrolman ciufi tor placing dynamite bombs on the street car tracks last night he biad used nearly a package when detected he will appear before judge brown in the juvenile court to day |