Show er s J at utahna another exceptionally strong bill is being presented at the utahna park out aboor theatre this week which drew a large attendance last evening it anything the bill as a whole eclipses the one of the previous week and Is not a dull moment throughout the program the opening night produced enthusiasm among the audience who seem ever ready to reward a good turn and this week they are all good the program is headed by a curtain raiser in the form of a refined musical comedy by mr and mrs pierce it is rather bard to add anything new to a musical turn these days yet thesa clever musicians have accomplished the trick and do some excellent work they were liberally applauded last evening russel and delabar De have a clever old time black face comedy sketch that is true to nature and exceedingly funny they cimpl bad the audience up in the air last evening and convulsed ath laughter youre as welcome as the flowers in may is the title of the illustrated song rendered by fred tout tha popular baritone in his usual pleasing style jt seems unnecessary 10 say he made a hit with the audience last evening for he always does that his excellent singing does the work every time hyde and heath in a singing and comedy turn did gome clever work affording them many opportunities to introduce their specialties A pretty turn is found when the tramp his experience in which ho uses a long line of names ot plays which scored a great hit with the crowd lee tung foo the chinese bari tone bad his own way and proved much to the surprise of many that he 1 I simply an artist in the singing line and an artist who can sing too his rendition ot the song entitled the deep was as good as hag ever been heard in ogden for he sang bunker hill a patriotic bong that is very pretty and which ha handled in fine shape his work merited all the appreciation shown laati night sampson and in their beata of strength did not provoke much laughter but they held the audience in breathless attention with wonderful teats performed saccho by her teeth lifts ve men standing upon a platform a seemingly impossible feat for a woman ahila sampson joggles with a pound dumbbell dumb bell as though it were a toy the work of sampson commences with his break lne a chain upon the muscle ot his upper right arm and attar the teata come thick and fast showing that the man must ba possessed ot wonderful strength AH in all it I 1 a clever exhibition and should win a record breaking crowd this week |