Show WITHIN OF BEING IN SEC OND CLASS statement of assessed valuation as shown this year in weber county from thursdays standard the county clerks office has just completed the statement ot the assessment ses 0 weber county after the equalization by the state and county boards this statement shows that weber county will only have to increase about in valuation to become a county of second class a distinction that is held by no other county in the state at the present time salt lake county belongs to the first class but the berth of second class remains vacant it Is expected that within a short time weber county will hold that position the statement of valuations Is as follows real estate and improved improve i ments livestock personal property total property assessed by the state board grand total valuation tor weber county total increase by county assessments total increase by the state board total increase of valuation over 1904 the valuation as placed by the assessment ses as shown above Is after the county board of had decreased the amount in the sum of WOMAN ON TRIAL charged with stealing a valuable pearl necklace london july 6 annie grant ct chicago claiming to be an actress was committed today in a dilce court to stand trial on the charge of stealing a pearl necklace worth from christias christies Chri sties auction rooms the woman whose real name Is thought to be annie gleeson according to the prosecuting counsel visited christias christies Chri sties saw the necklace and secured a duplicate of imitation pearls which on a second visit she substituted tor the genuine while the attendants back was turned the prisoner obtained a continental passport at the six months ago in the name of annie M grant of chicago SAILORS MAKE DEMAND ask to be allowed to return homo to russia vallejo cal july G more than members of the crow ot the russian cruiser lena which Is interned at the mare island navy yard have made a demand upon commander genther in charge of the vessel that they be accorded the same privileges as those granted the enlisted men on the russian ships interned at manila that Is that all of the crew except enough men to man the ship be paroled and allowed to return to their homes in russia commander genther told the men that he would communicate their wishes to the state department at washington FRANCHISE GRANTED for telegraph and telephone lines in philippines manila july 6 the philippine commission has passed an act granting to john I 1 saban and louis glass of san francisco california a franchise to construct telephone and telegraph systems throughout the philippine islands john L sabin Is the president and louis glass vice president and general manager of the pacific states telephone and telegraph company the head offices of which are located in san francisco BULLET IN HIS HEART patient Is in a new york hospital new york july 6 surgeons jn a local hospital are puzzled over the case of harvey who during an altercation on a ferryboat on the fourth of july was shot by a fellow passenger the bullet entered the left breast and was at first thought to bo harmless but a further examination has revealed that it lodged in the mans heart BUSINESS LEAGUE new york july 6 the first annual convention of tha business national league will open hore and will continue throughout the week twelve states are represented by women prominent in professional commercial or political life colorado leads in the number of delegates because as miss louise lee harddng of denver president of the national organization expresses it in colorado woman has been recognized la all phases of political and business life as the equal of man we aro voters APPEAL IN PATRICK CASE new york july 6 it Is announced that albert T patrick alio is await ing execution for the murder of wm marsh rice the i has instructed hla counsel david B hill to take his case to the united states supreme court execution of patrick Is set for the week commencing august 7 and the appeal will act as a temporary stay WATER IS FALLING salana kans july 5 the crest of the high water in the smoky hill reached this city today at this place the volume of water lacks but two feet of the great high water mark of two years ago part of the east side la under water from a direct overflow of the river the water today streamed across iron avenue one of the principal streets of the city boata rowed atut the w fallone |