Show made to obey the will of the daring navigator new york july 5 loo stevens at a nearby pleasure resort has sailed J H baldvins baldwins Bald wins airship tas california arrow feet into the air and after a trip skirting the ocean front for some distance returned in safety to the place of starting while the airship was feet above ground the long drag line which was trailing caught in the electric wires sent the airship ahead at full speed the wire gave way and released the drag line permitting the airship to continue its trip tho propeller was slightly injured while the airship was going back to ita port by hitting a projecting beam stevens declared that he could easily navigate the california arrow around the borough of brooklyn a feat which he declares he will attempt the next few days he added tha ship was under my control from tho time it left the aerodrome until I 1 returned and I 1 bad no difficulty in de scribing curves descending or ascending while in tha air BELIEVED TO BE FORGERIES colorado springs colo july 5 registered at a hotel la ahls city as H P belmont son of august belmont ot new 1 york a young man has been arrested for uttering forged certified checks the arrest was made at the request of chicago police who referred 0 o belmont as C F wynthrop elleott El llott in belmonte Bel monts possession were found five checks for each four of which were on the german american bank of new york and one on the carmera loan and trust company of new york thesa are believed to be forgeries |