Show russian ship unable to depart from costak Cos tao dinople officials of on ache 6 battleships at odessa paris july 4 p m A dispatch to the temps from constantinople says that russian steamer emperor nicholas II 11 which had been ordered to proceed to alexandria in place of odessa owing to atie troubles at the latter place was unable to leave constantinople on account of the mutiny of crew of the emperor nicholas II 11 who insisted on going to odessa to protect their families st petersburg july 4 tho governmental ern mental story of the events at odessa as published in the official messenger has been in great part already covered in the statements in official quarters and cabled to the associated press since the commencement of the outbreak after detailing the activity of the socialists revolutionary committee in stirring up the strikers asdora and the arrival of the mutinous crew of the battleship kniaz at odessa june the account proceeds the mutiny of the warships provided the revolutionary committee with a good opportunity to influence the masses the committee visited the battleship and assured the muti that the garrison of odessa had laid down its arms and that the whole black sea squadron had joined hands with the crew of the kniaz according to eye witnesses officers took an active part in the councils of the battleship especially two young cabets cadets the results of the anarchist intrigues among the workmen and mutinous steamers became immediately evident the troops were unable to use their arms against the crowds of workmen in tho vicinity of the harbor for fear of possibility of drawing the alre from the ships the harbor was therefore at the mercy of the mob which pillaged warehouses and vessels breached casks of wine and spirits and started a drunken orgy with nightfall the fires started by the rioters soon attained terrible dimensions nearly everything in the harbor was destroyed the mob refuse ing to allow the firemen to tight the flames among the property destroyed were tho warehouses of the russian navigation and commerce company the agency and stores of the danube navigation company the bals stores on the Plan atoff piers the odessa harbor and railroad station the harbor masters offices part of the warehouses of the russian navigating and trading company and of the Rosey sky and doshine companies on the new pier the shipping office on PIana toft pier part of the coal depot all the buildings of the quarantine harbor twenty wagons and six steamers belonging to various companies at the railway freight sheds many rioters and footers looters were burned alive while intoxicated several times during tho night ot june the mob attacked the troops and police with revolvers but each time they were scattered by a volley from tha soldiers the number of rioters killed or wounded is not yet known but must exceed several hundred the damage can only be estimated by millions of coubles roubles rou bles none of the representatives of the foreign powers suffered the consulates were guarded by troops on june a state of war was proclaimed and the city was condoned cordoned cordo ned by troops the disorders then ceased the story confirms the report that the kniaz in the evening of june tired three blank shots as prescribed by the russian naval code tor the funeral ot a sailor and followed this up with to live shots destroying part of a house otherwise the battleship did no damage the government report then pro 1 ceede to relate the arrival of rear admiral brugers Kru gers squadron during the morning of june 30 as follows As the squadron approached the odessa pier kniaz cleared for action advanced to meet it and cut through its line As the kniaz passed the muti received an ovation from the craw of the georgl rear admiral kruger thereupon sig balled the squadron to swing round and return to sevastopol sebastopol Seba but the crew of the georgl prevented that vessel from following and put ashore all the officers disarmed with the exception of lieutenant who blew out his brains on the advice of the revolutionists a committee was elected to take charge of the vessel under the direction ot a boatswains mate and apparently against the batters lat will dissension prevailed among the crew only part of which was influenced by the revolutionists and wanted to follow the kniaz the latter threatened to fire on the georgl if she tried to rejoin the squadron at sevastopol sebastopol Seba tho revolutionary anti section i however ultimately gained the upper hand and ahen in the afternoon of july ast 1st the two battleships weighed anchor the georgi put on steam aad entered aba harbor and sent the boatswains mate and somo sailors ashore to signify her submission UNVEILED STATUE helena mont july 4 an heroic equestrian bronzo statue ot general thomas francis meagher leader ot the irish brigade in the civil war and later secretary and acting governor of the territory of montana was unveiled in abo capital grounds this after noon in the presence of people from all parts of the state governor J K toola lieutenant governor and other Monto nans in the ceremonies colonel john F finerty of chicago delivered the principal address paying an olo quent tribute to meagher and the irish Bold lers of the civil war the statue was designed by sculptor mulligan of chicago and la pronounced a faithful likeness of the dead general july 1 thirty six years and three days ago today general meagher tell from I 1 a steamboat at fort benlon into the missouri river and was drowned his body was biever recovered his widow still lives at rye new celebrated IN CHERBOURG americans and french observe fourth of july cherbourg Cher bourg july ath the french and american squadrons joined today in celebrating the american national holiday at an early hour the ships of both countries broke out flags stem to stern the american flag was conspicuous everywhere yachts buildings and wharves showing the stars and stripes the sky was overcast but the harbor presented a brilliant picture crowds lined the wharves awaiting the national salute by both squadrons which was fired at noon accompanied by salutes from the land forts 7 A regatta was held between the crews of the french and american warships the prize for whale boats was contested for by a picked crew from the french battleship and a mixed crew from the american ships the frenchmen won A second race for gigs was won by the crew of the flagship brooklyn |