Show chicago july 6 the joint council ot the teamsters union tonight refused to take action looking toward calling off the strike and appointed a committee to procure funds to support tho striking teamsters in their struggle the committee appointed is to be known as the flying squadron and it will call on every union teamsters in the city to donate a stipulated amount each week toward the support of the strikers MANY PEOPLE ARE KILLED IN TEXAN TORNADO hundreds of head of stock succumb to force of wind and many buildings are demolished fort worth texas july aa tornado which struck today in the upper edge ot montague county coming from the northeast and swinging far to the southeast this afternoon caused the the loss it Is believed of forty lives injured a large number of people and did untold damage to growing crops and cattle fortunately the tornado missed the small towns in the section through which it swept but it zigzagged in such a ay as to take in the homes oc many farmers and stock in the section at Jach the force of the wind was terrific the baptist church and twenty other buildings were blown off their foundations and a number of buildings were totally destroyed mrs trails calhoun was seriously injured trails calhoun mrs thomas horton and henry wesser and family were also injured at montague no lives were lost in the town but in tho country great loss of life is reported the wires are down in all directions and it is difficult to get particulars ten persons are known to be dead in the neighborhood of montague most of thos killed lived on salt creek along which tho storm swept with terrific force I 1 A reliable man at locona who has been over tho scene reports loss ot lifa at sixty owing to the widely separated homes and the fad that in many instances whole families were wiped out details and names are hard to get montague tax july 5 nine people are dead as the result of a tornado that passed over montague ahli afternoon they are A P earl miss sadie earl and daughter of A P ear burk earl his eon baby and lawrence pillow family consisting of husband difo and fohir children fatally injured claiborne while 45 years of age houses totally destroyed J F clarke drug store D Y bunns grocery store and offices in the old bank building occupied by S G L bolcom real estate agent store of rowe hardware company also fifteen dwellings the tornado perhaps thirty minutes hundreds rund reds of head of eatock in this vicinity were killed outright joy the wind the number ot injured is unknown dallas texas july 6 A special to the news from nacona texas says A tornado and thunderstorm passed a few miles west and south of here this afternoon killing fourteen persons and injuring many others and i destroying a number of houses tho latest reports from the storm swept district give tho following casualties DEAD mrs 0 C shackleford Shack letord minnie shackelford keford daughter of n G shackleford mrs S L Tu alenson and three ahll dran t mrs mary lester and four children caleb white mrs ira williams J frank son of sam daiken killed by lightning jf INJURED james sampson ass mss alice sampson n t moore are broken hobbs arm broken CR christian and family J M stewart and family J M stewart and family C H williams leg brohen miss nannie austin mrs jes R G shackleford Shack letord and alte C S shackleford Shack letord injured about head four of his children also received serious injuries achild of mrs mary Is believed to be fatally injured many farm houses were swept entirely away baptist and methodist churches at belcher were much damaged the methodist church at montague Is reported wrecked and the court house damaged also other churches there the dixie school house six miles south ot hero was entirely blown away reports of the work of the tornado are still coming in the number of killed and injured probably will reach sixty |