Show CHANGE IN PLANS OF THE WESTERN PACIFIC salt lake cut out of the initial work and uncertainly as to route Is now in evidence from wednesdays standard the fact was made public today that the western pacific railroad company Is to let the contracts for the construction st of that road by the last of this month and that the management is to confine the construction work for the present west of the sierra nevada mountains this would seem to indicate that those in charge had decided to abandon their plan of making salt lake the eastern terminus of the road and were preparing to con hect with the rio grande western at ogden heretofore it has been asserted that construction was to commence at salt lake simultaneous with ane beginning of work on the west end already bids have been asked for and have been submitted by a number of contractors for the construction of various sections of the road and by the last of july the contracts will be awarded and work started immediate ly there has been a question in the minds of many as to whether salt lake or ogden would be fie terminal point for this new road while nothing definite has been given out he fact that the construction vork to begin with is to be confined to the california end of the line is what leads to the belief that ogden has been decided upon instead of salt lake the value of such a road entering ogden cannot be estimated in dollars and cents for the western pacific will not only open up a new country which would bo tributary to this city but it is the connecting lank which will make the gould system a trans line with terminals on both the atlantic and the pacific oceans the route practically decided upon by the western pacific runs north from oakland to oroville california then east to beckwith pass running north of pyramid lake and on east to winnemucca at winnemucca the road all strike the town between the bridge and the cemetery will cross humboldt river at sloans ranch paralleling all eling the southern pacific on east to deeth at palisade the road will come through telegraph pass and on through twelve mile canyon to deeth from deeth if the salt lake route is selecter it will run south across the to pilot peak at which point it will be forty miles south of the southern pacific but from deeth it has not been decided whether the road will parabell para lell the southern pacific across the great salt lake on a trestle or whether it will go south around the lake and enter salt lake city the latter is still in abeyance and every day the prospects of ogden securing the road seem brighter |