Show BAM BERGERS ROAD wi ll 11 be equipped with new cars from st louii president bamberger of the salt lake ogden railroad has placed a large order for cars with a st louis car factory for use on the new road mr bamberger will not attempt td improve bis present class of equizi ment but all orders for tho future will be of the very highest grade 0 railroad equipment and he states that when the road Is completed to the mouth of ogdan canyon atia electr lq cars will be second to none in the country heavy steel rails are con being received and are being baid on the line between salt lake and lagoon tho old steel is being used cpr sidetracks sir bamberger proposes to push the work with all tho business enterprises in the past every known will be employed to make the road one of the best of its kind an fn the united states as well as the safest and most comfortable colonel george M hanson is confined to his home on account of ill ness LIONESS ESCAPES FROM CIRCUS CAGE cork july 3 the escape of a lioness caused great at a in queenstown Queens town last night at Hanne fords circus the circus was crowded to its ful esl extent when one of the keepers in full view of the audience opened the door of the animals cage preparatory to entering with a sudden bound the lioness leaped through the door and escaped amid the cries and shrieks of the terrified spectators the majority of whom were children i the beast jumped into the middle I 1 of the ring and knocked down a boy named white tearing moat of tho skin from his face with her claws then she attacked another boy and wrenched off part of his jacket the lioness pursued by the keepers made another dash and succeeded in getting cut of the inclosure into an adjoining field where she lay down eventually she was lassoed numerous attendants and a largo dog assisting in tho capture |