Show that is the cry of the chinese of canton hong kong july 4 A meeting representing chinese wate held at canton july 1 to discuss the chinese exclusion act As a result tho native christians formulated a petition to president roosevelt protesting against the exclusion act and pointing out the hardships it entailed upon merchants and students placards bearing the appeal have been posted throughout canton let us with one heart boycott american goods EPISCOPAL DISCORD defense of dr E J lloyd by his supporters portland ore july 4 that portion of tha episcopal clergy which supported dr 13 J lloyd who was recently elected to the position of coadjutor bishop of the episcopal diocese of oregon has come to his support with a counter protest in answer to the one which charged dr lloyd with having secured hla election by misrepresentation according to tho counter protest the nominator of dr lloyd did not pretend that the clergyman was a graduate of oxford college and the counter potest contends that this tact was well known to several of the delegates present at the election what was said the statement goes on is that dr lloyd was from tho diocese of oxford the counter protest contradicts also tho statement in the protest that dr lloyd is not a graduate of any college and says that he is a graduate of tho dorchester missionary college at oxford the assertion contained in protest that dr lloyd Is a alah churchman and not a low churchman la bot alluded 0 o in tho counter protest HEAT WAVE vienna july 4 A terrible heat wave has been passing over austria and there have absen numerous sun strokes |