Show body of admiral paul jones delivered to rep of the united states while all paris is in gala attire paris july 6 the unusual sight of a detachment of united states sailors and marines swinging through the central thoroughfares 0 paris today aroused great interest and brought out an enthusiastic welcome from the crowds along the line of march the american naval contingent numbering with 25 officers left abor bourg in two special trains at 3 this morning and arrived at the Inva lides railroad station at 1140 a m in of the bard night ride the sailors presented a fine appearance as they emerged from the station they were uniformed as a landing party wearing the regulation gaiters and carrying rifles with fixed bayonets A company ot french infantry was drawn up fronting the station to receive the americans the latter formed in battalion and unfurled the american flag and naval ensign at the same moment the french troops came to the salute the french standard was dipped the french band struck up the star spangled Spang ted banner and the groat crowds which had surged across the alexander bridge shouted alve les Amerl caine vive la france the entire multitude uncovering respectfully while the american anthem was played another outburst of enthusiasm greeted the marseillaise Marseil laise and then the french escort took up the line of across the esplanade of the Inva lides to the avenue piquet and thence to the military school all along the route the streets were lined with dense crowds eager to see the americans women waved their handkerchiefs and miniature flags and there was a continuous shout of alye acs Ameri calne the americans made a most favorable by their sturdy bronzed appearance and the smartness of their movements they were received at the military school by a battalion 0 french troops draw in the great court again the national anthems were played and salutes were exchanged the americans were then within the military school which will serve as the barracks during their stay here the american sailors and french soldiers were soon on the most friendly basis fraternizing and chatting together while awaiting the ceremony of the delivery of paul jones body at the american church on the avenue de balma at this afternoon the ceremony 0 the delivery of the body of admiral paul jones to the representatives of the united states was held at this afternoon in the american church on the avenue de balma in the presence of a distinguished gathering of the highest official military and naval dignitaries of france the diplomatic representatives of many countries and the special ambassadors bass adors and naval authorities sent from the united states to receive the body vast crowds converged on avenues leading to the church within the church was beautifully decorated with flowers the casket rested in front of the chancel with sl silken american flag draped over it while innumerable floral emblems v ere banked about it the front pews were occupied by ambassador mccormack McCorm lck senior special ambassador porter j junior special ambassador loomas rear admiral sigsbee and the corn 1 manding officers of the ships of abo american squadron across the aisle sat premier and other cabinet ministers and practically the entire membership of the diplomatic corps the american naval league the sons of the revolution the order of cincinnati and other patriotic organizations with many ladies occupied tho body of the church the formal ceremony consisted of the delivery of the body by general porter as the finder and custodian to mr loomis representing the united states appointed to receive it and mr loomas commissioning admiral sigsbee to transport it to america in discharging his duty general porter said an earnest expression of recognition is due to the accomplished savanis savants of france to whose acknowledged skill and entire accuracy we owe the absolute certainty of identification of the body which is so marvelously preserved when congress adopted the present form of the american flag it embodied in the same resolution the appointment of captain jones to command the ship ranger when he received abo news history attributes to him the following remark the flag and I 1 arc twins born the same hour from the same womb of destiny wo cannot part in life or death 1 mr in receiving the body said america unfortunately exemplified the idea that republics are un grateful and in the stress of the struggle of bulling a new country forgot for a time is ifs great hero france be it said to her credit remembered jones in appropriate handsome and touching ways showing as ever her intimate and splendid appreciation of genius now after the lapse of more than a century through the persistent endeavors and patriotic purpose of general porter and with the ever kindly and generous assistance of the french government the body of paul jones was discovered 1 I have the honor in behalf of the president of the united states to accept the custody of the casket which encloses it and to commit the body to the worthy hands of admiral sigsbee in a brief speech admiral accepted the commission of conveying the body to the united states at the conclusion of the services a detachment of marines bora the casket to an artillery caisson in waiting at the doorway and the cortege proceeded to the esplanade of the the crowds which lined the uncovered their heads respectfully as the casket covered with flags and flowers passed on reaching the Inva lides the body was placed on a high str ture where it was surrounded by IS and american officers merican and french naval and s forces felled slowly by rendering mil y honors to the dead following the review the boa was placed in a mortuary chapel atthe railroad station where french and american marines guard it until the departure of the train for cherbourg Cher bourg at 10 tonight injunction DISSOLVED pittsburg july 6 judge weiss today dissolved the temporary injunction granted by the county court restraining pitcher wiltse and outfield er haydon from playing with the york tri state team the two players jumped their baltimore contracts |