Show livestock association is seeking foreign markets denver july 4 J II 11 gwynn secretary of the national li restock association cia tion has made tho following stat ment at the last annual session of the national livestock association a strong resolution was introduced by albin H sanders of chicago and unanimously adopted pledging the concerted efforts of the national livestock association looking to the opening of foreign markets that have been closed against american livestock and livestock products since that time the officers of the national livestock association have been working continuously endeavoring to concentrate and crystallize crystall ze tho sentiment of the country looking toward these ends former senator W A harris vice president and general manager of the national livestock ass with others is planning a big reciprocity convention to be held in chicago about the middle of august in connection with the chicago commercial associations the chicago board of trade the illinois manufacturing association the national livestock exchange tho millers national federation the american shorthorn bleeders breeders Bre eders association and the national association 0 agricultural ri implements and vehicle manufacturers alvan H sanders of chicago has been made chairman 0 the committee on arranging tor the conference mr gwynn says that this convention will be called about the middle ot august tor the purpose 6 crystallizing the growing sentiment 0 the west in relation to the broadening of the livestock markets in foreign countries we purpose he said to ask our senators and representatives to exercise their political power regardless of party in behalf of fairer trade relations with europe as well as with tue orient |