Show FURTHER LAND FRAUD HEARINGS portland ore july 5 in tha federal court today the case against con gress roan binger hermann indicted n connection with the land frauds in this state was placed at the bottom af pf the calendar this is believed to indicate that hermann will first ba brought to trial on the indictment re turned against him in washington D C in the matter ot the indictment and trial of S A D puter marie ware emma L watson and state senator F P slays charged with conspiracy to defraud the government it was announced that the first three named had pleaded guilty leaving may the only one not admitting his guilt mays ill at oakland cat and cannot appear tomorrow as expected one ia was dismissed today that against ex united states district attorney john hall and others charged with conspiracy to besmirch the character of united states district attorney heney A number of other cases in connection with the land frauds la this state have been set for tomorrow cases in which senator matchell Ml is involved were placed near the foot of the calendar probably indicating that h will not again be tried for alleged against the government BIG RAILROAD LOAN denver colo july 5 the colorado and southern filed here today a mortgage on all its holdings to secure the central trust company of new for a loan of tha money Is to be expended for extensions and improvements RECORD BREAKING attendance portland ore july 5 nearly sa people passed through the gates of the lewis and dark exposition yesterday malting the day a record breaking one so tar as attendance Is concerned |