Show CITY FATHERS MEET IN SPECIAL SESSION the city fathers met in special session last evening with all members excepting mr chambers present the session was called tor purpose of allowing claims and payrolls and to dispose of a few minor matters the meeting lasted but 25 minutes when an adjournment was taken the finance committee reported on the estimate of contractor oneil for curbing and guttering and wheelwright bros for sidewalks this together with the pay rolls and the bond interest amounted to 1800 for which a warrant was ordered drawn A petition was received from fred J klesel and others asking tor the building of a cement sidewalk on the east side ot wall avenue between twenty fourth and twenty ditth streets after some discussion the matter was referred to the street committee city engineer called attention to the fences projecting into the street on grant avenue south of twenty elerth street and recommended that action be taken looking toward the condemnation of the property so as not to interfere with the work going on in that locality this matter refers to the moving back of the fences a distance of eight or ton feet and was referred to the law committee the clerk of tha municipal court rendered a report showing receipts from that court tor tho month of june in the sum of 1800 the dog tax collector reported having collected 70 during the month and the poll tax collector as having collected in labor tax receipts the sum of also in the month of june street supervisor also rendered his monthly report which was referred to the street committee adjournment was then taken |