Show MEN WANTED AT VETERAN ARE BEING REPLACED BY THEM william retirement follows close upon that of depot master woodruff succeeds him from thursdays standard another of the many changes booked for the union depot company will become effective this morning when wll efam deweir a member of the depot police who has spent about thirty ears of his life in the service of tap railroad and express companies will retire to make way for a younger man in the person of C H woodruff formerly of the superintendents office of the southern pacific company here this change did not come as a surprise to those in a position to know the policy of the depot company as recently adopted and Is only one more change along a line that has been figured out to improve the service at the local depot at any cost the first move in this connection occurred when a few days ago william sullivan who has acted as depot master for the past year was returned to the special agent service and john formerly baggage agent was appointed in hla place not only to take charge of tho depot mastership but to perform the duties bandied by him as baggage agent at the time that this appointment was officially announced it was rumor I 1 ed diat other changes would follow and this prediction was in a measure by the change mentioned above in each case so tar young men have taken the places of the older ones which Is quite in line with the policy of the larger trunk lines of the country aho vho are fill drifting along to a decidedly low age limit this move has brought into effect on many roads the introduction of the pension system for old employed emp loyes which seems to be a little more human than to turn a man out any provision after he has spent almost hla entire life in the railway service the pension system has been a prominent question with the labor unions especially the railroad unions who look upon it as a scheme to a low age limit and thereby liable to throw many of the old employed emp loyes out of employment when they need it the most in nearly all the conventions of the different railroad brotherhoods brothe the question has been discussed and in some cases action taken against the move the age limit does not seem to have any bearing on the question at the local depot the different changes being made purely with a view to bettering the service which it Is believed can be accomplished with younger men in the case of the appointment of mr woodruff gentleman will act as assistant to general agent keating and do all the clerical work in connection with the position in addition to assisting with the regular work of the depot police mr woodruff has been connected with the superintendents office of the southern pacific hofe for the past year and his appointment to the present position comes as a well deserved promotion for a popular young employed emp loye william newell the retiring member of the depot police force is well advanced in years previous to his appointment in that department he was with the pacific express company in the messenger service he was advised of the change yesterday morning and today will be thai first idle day that he has spent in years |