Show LEGAL NOTICE special road tax election garland road district weber coun ty utah notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of a adopted by the board of county commissioners of weber county utah on june a special election Is hereby called in the garland road district bf weber county utah on tuesday july alth 1905 at garland school housa in said district between the hours of sevien 7 a m and seven 7 p m on beald day for the purpose of submitting to tho qualified electors within ald district a proposition to authorize the board of county commissioners ot weber county utah to levy tor the fiscal year 1905 a district road tax of five 5 mills on all the taxable property within said district to be used exclusively for the construction and repair 0 roads and highways situate therein only registered voiers residing within said district who shall have paid property tax therein in the year preceding such election shall be entitled to vote at such election the following named persons have been duly appointed by the said board to conduct said election to biti robert mcfarland E A aln aham and elijah betta by order of the board of county commissioners of weber county utah JOSEPH STANFORD chairman DAVID MATTSON seab county clerk dated ogden utah june 1905 LEGAL NOTICE special road tax election warren road district weber boua ty utah notice is hereby gives that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the board of county commissioners of weber county utah on juna 1905 a special election Is hereby called in the warren road district ol 01 weber county utah on tuesday july alth 1905 at the brick school house ia said district between the hours of seven 7 A M and seven 7 P 1 on said day tor the purpose ot submitting to the qualified electors within said district a proposition to authorize the board ot county corn mi ssi onera ot weber county utah 10 levy tor the fiscal year 1905 a district road tax ot five 5 mills on all tho taxable property within said district to bo used exclusively tor the construction st and repair ot roads and elgh ways situate therein only registered voters residing within said district who shall have paid said property tax therein in tha year preceding such election shall be entitled to vote at such election the following nailed persons hava been duly appointed by the said board to conduct said special election to alt W L stewart V T and john by order c tao board 0 county commissioners ot weber county utah JOSEPH STANFORD chairman DAVID MATTSON seal county clark dated ogden utah juno 10 ih NOTICE special road tax election allson aloid district weber county utah no tica is hereby given abst so pu 01 a resolution adopted by th blaid of county Commissi caora ol 01 weber county utah on june 1905 a special election Is called in the road district of wo ber county utah op tuesday july 1905 at wilson school house in said district between the hours of seven 7 a m and seven 7 p ro on said day for the purpose ot submitting to abo qualified electors within said district a proposition to authorize the board of county commissioners of weber county utah to levy for the fiscal year 1905 a district road tax of alve 5 mills on all the taxable property within said district to be used exclusively for the construe alon and repair of roads and highways situate therein only registered voters residing with la said district who shall hae paid property tax therein in the year pre ceding such election shall be entitled to vote at such election the following named persons hav been duly appointed by the said board to conduct said special elec alon to wit john holmes david pla aree and boyd S chandler by order ot the board of county commissioners of aber county utah JOSEPH STANFORD SEAL chairman david mattson county clerk dated ogden utah june 19 NOTICE 1 special Road Tax ejection p randall road Weber Coun aty utah notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the board of county commissioners ot weber county utah on june 1905 a special election is hereby called in the randall road district of we her county utah on tuesday july alth 1905 at randall school house in eald district between the hours 0 seven 7 a m and seven 7 p m on said day for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors said district a proposition to author irethe board of county commissioners of weber county utah to levy tor tho fiscal year 1905 a district road tax of five 5 mills on all the taxable property within said district to ba used exclusively for the construction and repair of roads and highways situate therein only registered voters residing within said district who shall hava paid property tax therein in the year preceding such election shall be en I 1 titled to vote at such election tho following named persons have been duly appointed by the said board to conduct said special election tp vilt james H lanford fran moore and joseph barker i by order of iho board of county commissioners of weber counts butah JOSEPH STANFORD DAVID MATTSON seal clars dated ogden utah juno 1905 NOTICE r special read tax election ulith road district weber county utah notice Is hereby given that ia pur of a resolution adopted by tisa board of county commissioners 0 weber county utah on juna istel 1905 A special election ia hereby called in tho uintah road district of weber county utah on tuesday july at uintah school house aai caid district tho hours keren 7 a m and seven 7 p mi on eald day for tho purpose ot sub to tho qualified electors with ia said district a proposition to au tha board of county Id loners of weber county utah att levy tor the year S a als itrice road tax of five 5 mills on all taxable property within aalde district to be used exclusively for the construction st and repair of roads aaa highways situate therein only oters said district who shall hav paid property ux therein in tho year preceding such election shall toa cn titled to at such election 1 the following named persons hav been duly appointed by the malj board to conduct said special election to wit alma koscs timothy kendall and samuel dye I 1 by order of the board of county commissioners of weber county utah JOSEPH STANFORD SEAL chairman david mattson county clerk dated ogden utah june 19 y GRAIN SEEDS aal PRODUCE blackmail griffin wholesale grain beds and produce 2540 wash ington are SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WEEKLY STANDARD |