Show IN SALT LAKE COURTS salt lake news judge george G armstrong of the criminal division of the district court has returned from his vacation which he spent at his old home at WIs and in ather localities east of tta mississippi river he was accompanied on he trip by his wife H L seward a traveling man who was arrested last week after he had issued a number of checks against a mythical bank account was adjudged inane in judge armstrongs division of the district court yesterday and was ordered committed to the asylum at provo suit was begun in the district court yesterday by the utah association of credit men to collect alleged to be dye from the tropic operative cooperative co mercantile Mer cantle manufacturing institution to the zions operative cooperative co mercantile institution the claim has been assigned to the plaintiff lizzie jacobson yesterday obtained from judge morse a decree divorcing her from julius jacobson to whom she was married march 17 1894 she showed that jacobson had failed to support her and that he was a victim of strong drink her maiden name lizzie schultz was restored to bar sabana who was taken into custody a few days ago was given a hearing in the district court yesterday before judge armstrong on the charge of insanity and on the testimony of county physician B W whitney and others war adjudged to be of unsound mind and was ordered committed to the mental hospital at provo nellie W blair haa asked the probate division of he district court to issue to herself and J M blair letters of administration on the estate of george E blair deceased whose assets consist of shares of stock in one mining company and several thousand shares in two other mining companies which at present havella tie or no value |