Show MRS JAMES H HAYFORD SENT FOR FROM police notify her of suicide of husband who was out of employment from thursdays standard mrs james H hayford was hotl led last night of the death of her husband in salt lako at the railroad hiens exchange rooming house on vest south temple street yesterday morning hayford had been dead binco late monday night it Is lie committed suicide by taking mor baine or some other drug his wife left here tor salt lake hayford was 29 years of age a son of district judge hayford whose home was in laramie wyo his father was a newspaper man and hayford had also been in that business two years ago he conducted a paper af murray utah this venture was not entirely successful and he left that business Hayt father had been a dector and the soung man had studied meda cine he was a trained nurse and had been employed al the county in srmary for three and a half years as steward he had recently lost this position and had been employed at bit marks hospital he also left this a short time ago hayford was a consumptive and had been drinking a little of late he was apparently in the best of spirits monday night and had been drinking but little that day he was not seen alive after monday evening when he a little beer and then went to bis room the chamber masa went to his room at 9 yesterday morning to perform her morning work and saw the man was still in bed she thought that he was intoxicated but remembered that be had been in the bed and was n the same position tuesday mom ang when she went to make up the looms she became frightened and ailed the proprietor of the house ha saw that hayford waa dead and called the police and coroner dana f smith the corpse was removed to the undertaking parlors of S D avans where it will be held pending from his relatives hayford had suffered from fon for some time and had had several slight hemorrhages while the police could find no morphine or other in the room they are of the opinion that he killed himself A note was found in Hay fords room in which it was requested that mrs Ilay tord be notified and that a woman allend of mrs hayword be also hotl n id of his death this was not signed Hayt widow has tour children ohp oldest of whom is ine years and th youngest one year old also had a brother a switchman employed op the oregon short line railroad allyn hayford livin here his mother lived in california an 1 he had sisters living in new york and cheyenne |