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Show L. D. S. STUDENTS GIVEN SHEEPSKINS The thirtieth annual commencement of the Latter-day Saints ' university was held last night at the assembly hall. More than two hundred students received diplomas, less than half of this number being iu the business college. col-lege. Besides the usual address by tho president of the institution, Guy C. Wilson, there was an address to the graduates by Professor Howard B. Uriggs. George Bowles gave the valedictory vale-dictory address for the graduating students. stu-dents. President Anthon 1!. Lund of the university board presented the certificates. cer-tificates. A feature of the program was the presentation of ten baby bonds to as many students in the way of awards from the Grant, fund, given to the school some years ago. H itherto money or books have been awarded for this purpose. Those who won there honors were: Dorothy Snow, Mont, l'reece, .Tennis Ridges, Van Grant. Mary Woolley, Mary Ruf-el, Virginia Clawson, Lucy Woolley, Verl Porter and Helen Wright. The music for the occasion was furnished fur-nished by pupils of the L. D. S. high ! school. |