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Show DRAFT REGISTRY INCOMPLETE Official Booths for Salt Lake Designated by City Recorder. LOCATIONS ARE GIVEN Offices to Be Open From 1 a. m. to 9 p. m. on Day for Taking Census. Officii copies of the president's proclamation, procla-mation, setting June as registration day for all young men who have attained the age of 21 years since June o, 1917, having been received at the adjutant-general's office yesterday, notice was immediately sent out to all local boards, ordering that the public be informed and that the draft officials push preliminary work to secure a complete enrollment. Captain F. V. Fitz Gerald directs that all local boards and city, town and county clerks should have always on hand lists of places designated tor registration, and they should arrange to have someone always on duty at their offices to inform persons making inquiry. He says a special spe-cial effort should be made to have the non-English speaking population understand under-stand the regulations, that those of their number subject to registration should know the time, place and manner of registration. reg-istration. He directs that a vigorous campaign be Immediately inaugurated. City Recorder Gordon Snow yesterday caused notices to be posted in conspicuous conspicu-ous locations over town, giving ten places of registration, together with the time when each office will be open on June 5, the hours being from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Locations Designated. Locations of the various registration offices of-fices for the four city draft divisions, together to-gether with the boundaries embraced in each, are as follows: Division No. 1 This includes all territory terri-tory from the south side of Sixth South street and the east side of iMain street to the city limits on the sourh and east. Main office, room 300. capitol; branch office. of-fice. Last high school. Division No. 2 Embraces all area from the south side of South Temple street and the west side of Main street to the city limits on the south and west. Main office, room 327, capitol; branch office, Riverside, school. Division No. 3 Includes all territory from the north side of South Temple street to city limits on the north and on the east and west, north of South Temple street. Main office, room '308, capitol; branch office, West high school. Division No. 4 Embraces the area from the south! side of South Temple street to the north side of Sixth South street and from the east side of Main street between these two points to the eastern city limits. lim-its. Main office, room 325, capitol; branch office, administration building at the University Uni-versity of Utah. There are to be two offices at large, one at the city recorder's office and the other at the public safety building. Delinquents Reported. Division No. 2 draft board yesterday reported re-ported to the adjutant-general's office the following named men as having failed to appear for physical examination, being therefore listed as delinquents: Oliver G. Erickson. 972 West Ninth South street; Harvey B. Jackson, 210 Ash' street, Akron, Ohio; Harry Mitchell, 577 West Second South street; John C. Far-ras, Far-ras, Sacramento, Cal. ; Carl Brunson, 175 Third street, San Francisco, Cal.; Charles Garbish, 152 West Second South street; Birdine Williams, Washoe, Jylont. ; Hil-lions Hil-lions Robinson, 237 Chestnut street, Reno, Nev.; Thomas Oyharscaba, 576 WeBt First South street; Jack Henry Hart, Knollin ranch, Havre, Idaho; Tony Carrello, care Dominlo Lepore, Denver, Colo.; John Mc-Kenzie. Mc-Kenzie. care Southern Pacific, San Francisco, Fran-cisco, Cal.; C. M. Matty, Shelton hotel; Jone Rossiter. 62 Turk street, San Francisco, Fran-cisco, Cal. ; Frank August Olsen, Commercial Com-mercial house. Mobile, Ala. ; Jim F. Smith, Tucson. Ariz. ; Thomas Jacob Ritchie, Box 72, Laramie, Wyo.; George Charles McCarty, 2520 Twentieth street, San Francisco, Cal.; Riceordo Ronio, Alta; Bruno Oyharcabel, Price. Board No". 4 notifies Guy Bayes, whose last city address was the Touraine hotel, that unless he reports to the board at the capitol by tomorrow he will be listed as a deserter. He was to have appeared ap-peared May 15 to report for entrainment for Camp Lewis on May 25, but failed to do so, the clerk says. Up to that time his record was clear. Fail to Answei. The following named registrants are listed by the board of division No. 2 as being delinquent in having failed to answer an-swer their questionnaires: Maureji Asln, Miles Owens, Alii Rn-sham, Rn-sham, Yozo Seibo, Steve Pendros, Juan Ortage. Muharem Jufler, Nasslno Cardonl, Keamdon Regep. Masato Matsuda, Neil J. Kelly. Mike Goldosich, Mike Cota, John Andrulakskis, Takehico Hlruno, Mike Kanelajash, Mike Prlos, Frank Loizzo, Afistides Katslanes, Fortunato Faglinso, Richard Art Koppe, Harry Shozo Jurn-kawa, Jurn-kawa, Thomas Baxter, Christ Reckios, Frank I. Smith, Charley Pryor, Carl R. Olsen. Joe Posado. Dale Lou Morris, Thomas E. Goddard, Albert Gray, Stive Bosta. Arthur E. W. Street, John Fred Lane, Juan Albarde, Sam Harding, Jose Espinozo, Philip West. Robert Berry, Andrew An-drew Forsgren. James E. Carlson, Lee Crawford. Miles Ross. Robert H. Watson, Clinton- Carlson, John Redo, NIckolono A. Roufis, John Brawncr, Albert Ward. Emiel Kimball. ' Joseph Miller, Christ Vulff, Daniel W. Woods, Harry R. Ho-berg, Ho-berg, John S. O'Neil. James Lewis Pretty, Frank Heider, James W. Dodd. Edwin E. Weal, Fred Harcbicker. Andrew Rossae, John O. .Taggar, Gust E. Newman, William Wil-liam Wells, Gustave H. Gripentrop, James M. Mahoney. Lyman Nelsey, George L. Morgan. Carl D. Wlllia ms, James W. Wilson. John Plur, Emil C. Peterson. Harrv Hardy. Jack McCally, Ernest A. Zeigler, Walter Christensen. George A. Mallory. Anton Mottle, Edwin Freidland, Turno Gato, Elmer C. Thorn-hilt, Thorn-hilt, Albert W. Lang. Barney Berotto. Charles Edward Brain. Robert Henry Rodgers, James Haynes. Evan Dudley Edwards. Presley Funis. Vernon R. Foster. Fos-ter. Charles Curtis Duggins. A. T. Corwln, Barney Beck man, Le Grande Farnswoith, Horace Nelson, James William Morgan. Clarence Ambrose Nyvall. James S. Powell, Louis Gargia. William Mitchell. Harold C. Hinckley. Panegls Demopuo-lous. Demopuo-lous. Carl Hol'oert Whitesides. Robert Newton Farris. Robert Bortfman Edgar. .Tosenh Kinnlsh, Rodger Allen. Edward Bradley, John Steven Donelly. Clifford C Curtis, Edwin Park Jonnson, Homer Mo-ran. Mo-ran. Manuel Elisondo. Alma Hambleton. John James Joyce. Cam Chinn. George Alfred Hendrickson. Joe August Pratty, Loo Joseph Buch. Albert Martin Larson, Edward Crebs, Frank Howard Young, James C. Sims, Peter Carruthers. John B Bradlev. Thomas B. Kirchner, Gust Metonelev. John Thomas Bradley, John H. Jones. Carl Lee Green. Buiclii Naeo-nka. Naeo-nka. Francisco Beloso, Margerete Ydalao, Salll Sheban. Senieh! Kono. Athanesios Michalakis, Shigemachi Nutsuinage, II-gero II-gero Nakainura. Peter Economos, James Caravanos. Beleutash Chansh, Pete Risos, Martin Rodrlgues. Kariakis J. Gailly. Jo-e Rodrigues. Sam Stevenson. KinvasI Ha-mada, Ha-mada, Rosario Crotolo, Tom Samiano. Karlo Vedo, Luis Aqui rre. Jose Lozan, Manos Couclis. George Ercog, Louie Tratte, Buente Ahnauger, Iohn Chronts. Inomitsu Kosaki. John M. Feckincs. Nuridln Shahan. John Champas, Sabrl Saele, Kimizl TakahaShi, Gust Aeeloe. Mike Kelepures. Andrew Gar! is. Stanko Palinic, Tonv Kashagunos. Shlro Isobe, Shigezo Matstii, Mirojo Inouve, FagaU otis Kanellopoues, Gust Korea, Megis P. M. Egar, Thomas Poulas, Francisco Lau-ro, Lau-ro, Pete Paggagaorgen. Nick Pampero. Martin R. Rohuestelli, John Dnbreta. Sa-ref Sa-ref Emel, George Ilasanis. Otto Haessler, Zenel Alle, Euragino Xapules. George Pes-si, Pes-si, Rubuen Ueajhps, Taneto Mariyama, Sanedo Etrn. James Martas, Gareser Ro-mito, Ro-mito, Sam Martell. Ripoli Pasqnali, Nick Baracos, Harry Perris, Harry K. Lavan-tes, Lavan-tes, Stanko Padjen, George Mehos. Keoki Sulimn, Harukk-hi Wakatsnkl. Marcos Acosta, John Billino. K. "William Bishop. Frank Matkych, Zanial Yosem. Daniel Stankovlch, Steve Yaras, Jim Pacheottes, Sjiros Michael Mnzanis. Adolph Kora-hauser. Kora-hauser. Y. Politz Almauger. Jim Yassnllo, Tony Myerlevich. Tom Sullilies, P. Calbo, John Alaxkis. Satem Watanade. Jisus Hernandes, Eaffaele Rossi. Jose Hernandez. Hernan-dez. Nick Contis. Joe Grovich. Mike Kro-vicb, Kro-vicb, Kasen Nexer, Don Osman, Nick Faros. I'sabnrs Mnralfamt. Marks Klshi-ba, Klshi-ba, Josef Feutrelakis. John Klapakis, Palin Russit. Ingelo Eravgant. Jose Y. Yduriaea, John Kolesar, Prince William Freeman, Pete Kenas. George I'augos, Kosmos Olawroskis, Nick Reha. Sliige-matsu Sliige-matsu Yukimura. Nick Demeroutis. Frank Cavera. Cbohei Fujii. Kochichl Ku-wado. Ku-wado. Eonis Cristo, Mack Farkis, Gust Pappus. Nick Markovich, ' Suekiti Naka-mura. Naka-mura. Sam Alle, John Palhibakes, Teke Resieps. Angelo Lesot. Zadeau Joseph Nusseff. James Pappadopoulos, Barney jesantes. |