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Show MODERATE DEALINGS RULE IN NEW T0RKST0CK MARKET Traders Proceed Warily; Irregular Opening Is Followed by General Strength During the Day. NEW YORK. May 29. Taking the impending, im-pending, holiday with its many possibilities possibili-ties regarding the foreign situation into account, traders proceeded warily In -today's stock market, though seemingly to favor the consti uctlve side. Dealings were comparatively moderate, but more than ordinarily diversified. Irregularity at the outset was succeeded succeed-ed by general strength which industrials shared in variable degree with equipments, equip-ments, coppers, shippings, oils, motors, fertilizers and numerous miscellaneous issues. Utilities were at all times heavy, however, on the suspension of the Inter-borough Inter-borough Consolidated dividend. Rails soon assumed a prominent position, posi-tion, with indications of substantial absorption ab-sorption among , secondary issues, as well as high-grade shares. Gross advances ranged from 1 to 3 points in trans- continentals, Reading, St. Paul, New Haven and New York Central. Profit-taking and intermittent short offerings of-ferings ensued on publication of the adverse ad-verse French war bulletin after midday, causing reactions which canceled the greater part of the morning's gains in industrials in-dustrials and equipments, rails also forfeiting for-feiting much of their advantage. Sales amounted to 725,000 shares. Further postponement of dividend action ac-tion by the St Paul directors occasioned no surprise, it being understood that the company has yet to consummate its contract con-tract with the federal government. All the Liberty issues, 3s excepted, made new low records, the tirst 4s at 114.06. second four at 94.02 and 4ts at 97.06. The general bond list, was irregular. irreg-ular. Total sales, par value, aggregated 55.S7D.0OO. United States bonds, old issues, unchanged un-changed on call. |