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Show ; FOSSIL FIELD WELL j I PRODUCT HIGH GRADE Idaho-Wyoming No. 4 Now Producing Good Quality Qual-ity of Fluid. I Many sensations have been sprung In the Wyoming oil lields. but perhaps none has created more interest than ldaho-tjrVyomlnE ldaho-tjrVyomlnE No. 4 well in the Fossil Held, Which is now producing over two barrels jjallv of the highest grade crude oil ever jBscbvered. The well was brought in etui'.- in the month, and its product 18 attracting great attention, as under test It Jlas proved to be. in Its natural, un- refined state, a far better lubricating oil than tin: n 'lined product that sells for "1 fgallon. wholesale. lirfhe drillers were just about to cjuit I Boric, for the day when it was discovered , that the baler came up full of perfectly I Jlnished crude oil. Investigation dis-j dis-j closed the fact that the bit had pene- tralerl the oil sands, which later were discovered to he thirteen feet in thickness, thick-ness, the point of entry helng 203 feet from the surface of the ground. Manager W. T. Wood was Immediately notified of the discovery, and. the following follow-ing dav he went to the well In company Vlth other interested parties. By that Btjie several barrels had been Becured .nd were filled with oil dipped from the Jlew well. if was soon ascertained by the interested oil men that the product I Stfas of unusually high grade. A pump has been attached to the well, , :'and, according lo Manager Wood, it Is I pumping eighty to ninety gallons daily and Improving each day. Mr. Wood also : Stales that the high value of this oil makes this pumper equal in productive MI nwilue to a thirty-five- or forty-barrel 1 well in other districts, as its product ' will bring about $10 a day. Kemmerer j "Republican. |