Show IN bid sol waa was given a hearty i by the high echtel athletes athle tee hh wk cd ed out twenty tie the ran to a u t 11 some of at the winter win tera tiff nesa j ca tl ins inc train present indications 0 a p audr 6 Mau achan will have c exceptionally tarna in and bas baseli e absil track milt olsen olson will handle milt h his is never been in the hundred hence the batt Is not w ornline over oer carbon couk ln in the century clarence clarenc e u nicor va it clasa class of U 0 th 3 grade school r last itar icar la Is also tnt entered creLl for dashes roy barker inner 1 of mho mile in lart last yeara in meet ee t alil th cover coer he glober pa aalt enother distance man of merit 1 been training for the long ru runa the last month and alit 1 undoubted learn with barker darker the broad 1 m III bo be eft entirely to mit ml t 01 jump less 1 someone la Is developed dc de doped eloped fred doc ley and kulon luton bryne aro are both brer men in tho the polo vault aej be the only aspi aspirants rantA in thie thin ari b inch barr and an alwn eat ar au for the hach jump and with 4 train fric and practice should be b prop a for points bryan will aleo also enter CM tb bot put an yr t no ono one haa hail for the quarter mile but harold 1 L nard will pro babi take cari ean of 01 run in baseball it la is I 1 let et too early ta to ts elm hazard a guan as to the pulumu lineup many of last years team an in out for positions beel cies ai from other schools laai alom point cry faor favorably ably to the th of two strong bane baseball ball cremations in the high school 74 o 0 could be rai rily done and would ren rem edy the not enough C almen alm ao 10 of the candidates for place places on an team coach biati Mauff alian han and athletic ala a ager a milt olson are 1 ha h tj bring the ille high a track and baseball team teams to pric 1 ix met thia this spring 1 the the trip can bo be arranged and if ti tin roach 19 1 with the condition condi condit flog ioa of hlf his the drat deal will III itly bo be closed up th urner nake ug a emy will also be nan in le v tun tn here her 1 in may 1 |