Show norun no run I 1 TO ATI ii it state Engine engineers ern office salt lako 1 alti ulti elt utah 1 17 I 1 1415 15 no aca Is her hert by elven given that it I 1 it mcdon aid find und fred 14 I 1 iatrou nt rou whose office address la Is brict utah have ft made application in actor accordance dance with the tho of th compiled lag of utah 1907 aa an amended ly toy the lavos of u utah 1909 and anti 1911 to appropriate five hundred J acre feet ot of water from two U jnames springs mid and flood waters jn ila carbon county utah spring no I 1 lien 1160 feet east and feet muth south of the th borth quarter cr corner of 0 bc we tion on 10 twp 12 bouth blange 10 1 jb rt salt lake baw anil and and 8 no 2 lien 1210 fet fket east and feet south of tho sald corner the paid said unica wit r will be flored IQ in it tervola r embr attil in 81 3 and 10 twit twp 13 12 south range 10 E kaat as from where it will be lie release 1 at t u j point hith ika lits 5 feet couth routh w and unit 1339 feet aest of tho the tabt loar ter corner of section 3 3 3 ton ahli ship and JL range and anti allowed d to flow tr down the rut tural of willow A reel und nd price iziver from where fi it III bo be diverted at a point f iles feet acet est of the ter conar c Q rai 11 r of section S 2 imp 1 wit IS south S range 10 emst salt lake base 1 and f h meridian and con conveyed eyed by means of if a hitch for a n of 47 5 feet and anti thoro there usi us I from april I 1 tm to septena n br ber 30 20 of e rich eich ich year to ir A acres of land mp raced in i geltion 2 tap 16 15 routh fouth 10 fait and anti section 6 twp 15 16 south ilanon 11 lant I aaa bait jak lako J ak base and atit aidian As much of old water ni wo may bo be necess necesser ur will III be used duriex the entire year for dom ratio pur par pc PA ilita UpP application IlLatiOn 13 1 in laate offlie bufflo 0 as an no 0 all prot ltd against the granting ernnt ing in said UPP or tating the must be tie made by affidavit 4 in jai duplicate accompanied by a it feo fen of 3 2 60 and filed in this office WIM t thirty 30 days after the completion of the of thin this notice t 1 UE state 7 tato date of first february leb nary uary c 26 0 1916 1915 onto of completion of pit bit k cation starch 29 1916 |