Show BOND NOTICE OP OF bon count utah notice L is hereby riven given that a special election him ham been ordered and will be held in and tor for carbon count state of utah ind find in the se teral voting distri eVi thereof on monday Iton day april 12 A D 1911 1916 a a pro vided by in law for the purpose of voting bond bonds in the sum of thirty one thousand 1131 00 dollar dollars for a of computing improving and repairing the public highe highways of car bon count and all the precinct precincts thereof name AN lnor ln tr quarters precinct no I 1 precinct no 2 castio castle oal gat precinct no 3 precinct no 4 spring olca no 5 price precinct no go virper precinct no 7 wellington no so S buri bunni mulde elde precinct no so 9 clear crek precinct no 10 cherill worth orth precinct no 0 o II 11 Larton 1114 precinct no 1 billack hawk precinct no 13 last lUi III wath mathi precinct no 13 t hiawatha precinct no 13 storrs prad ut no 14 und and carbon pr no 15 bald brus hall shall liter Inte interest at the tile rate of not to exceed axce ld 6 per ent tent per annum payable deml annuals and said bund bunds shall duo duj and payable at the expiration of 20 yuan years from the dato of the 1 thereof with ith the option reserved to carbon count to pa or naeem the name same at any time after the of 10 ean earn aatu dat dato of the labue ij buc thenor only uth buth t qualified elec elector torm lu shall I 1 have ave paid a property tai tax in mild said carlon on county in the icar ear net next preceding cuth ruoh special election hull shall bo be entitled tu to vote ote ll tl reut polla polls will mill upon open and open from 1 7 00 0 clock a m to 1 oft 00 0 clock p m of kald laid day of april 1915 at said election the form forin of ballot rhall be as follows to wit 1 1 9 na the voting of all qualified voters of maid carbon county utah residing within winter quarters precinct cl n ct no 1 shall iw oo at tho the L 1 D S tf cating koffie within a said 1 win winter t or quarters no noo I 1 the voting of all flood tl voters 0 said carbon coun count tN altah rc u iding filing within scofield precinct no 2 shall bo be at the town eald scofield Pret nit ct no 2 the voting place of nil all oters of m aid carbon count utah rei ding within castle oate gate precinct no 3 chall be nt at the IC or P hall flail within th eald castle cate pi no 3 the voting place of nil all obern ote ot of said maid carbon county utah residing within helper precinct no 4 ahall shall be nt at the hwn hull hall within the tho i aid ahl ilela helper r precinct no 4 th ling place of nil all qualified voter voters of said carbon aunt count utah rt sIdIng within spring glen t no 6 5 ahall be ba at tho the ID S IN meeting house within abid glen precinct no 6 the voting plat place ci of all qualified voters of said vald carbon coi cot ty utah reading within price precinct no go G khall hall be at the city flail within said price no the voting place of all qualified fittl of sald carbon co county anty utah ridin within harper precinct no 1 sh fiill ill be at E C iee jee d residence in said precinct no 7 the voting place of all qualified voters of said carbon county utah residing within precinct no 8 shall be at ut the L I 1 1 D 4 sleeting ifju house e mild maid wellington pr pre I 1 no 8 tho the voting lince of all qualified oter voter A of bald said carbon county utah residing elding rc within Sunn Sunny yelde alde precinct no 9 shall be at the amu ment hal within tha said precinct no 9 tho the voting place of nil pill qualified oter 4 of said paid carbon county utah residing within clear creek precinct no 10 ahall le be at the odd Iol fellows lows hall flail in ala t cleir creek precinct no 10 the voting place of all qualified vo botera ot of said carbon county utah residing within kenilworth precinct nn no 11 shall lo tie 10 at the auditorium in ald kenilworth no 11 II the voting otIn ff place of all qualified voters oters of said carbon count utah re gilding within Car carbonville bonville precinct no 1 12 2 shall lo be 10 at the melting in bald wild Car carbonilla bonille precinct rn don 12 the voting place of all qualified buters ter 4 of said carbon cotuit ci ut t utah residing within ilau precinct no U 13 rhall be at billack hawk hotel N within athin said bilack hawk precinct ni no 13 the voting place of all qualified oters of said carbon county utah residing within nast east Illa hiawatha uatha precinct no not 13 shall ho he at the town c hall liall in jahl fast pant llla hiawatha atha Ire I 1 cinet no 13 the voting place of nil qualified oters of said carbon count utah re I 1 ling V with ith west hiawatha pre no 13 ahall shall be lie at mine line office within eald maid west est hiawatha I 1 precinct mo IS 11 the voting otare alae of all qualified voters oters of maid carbon utah res siding within storrs precinct no 14 1 t shall bo at the 1 I 1 II 11 4 me UP tink alouse within the said storrs precinct no 14 the voting place of all qualified voters oters of said carbon count utah residing elding re with n carbon precinct no 16 15 shall be at the atine office within bald maid carbon precinct f IS 15 dated pt price cairon cat bon county countr utah thin this ad day of march starch 1916 dy fly order of tho the hoard ot of county of carbon county utah it J ft shimp chairman attest 8 9 seal county clerk mirat pub S last apr Z ais 15 |