Show IN sll A 1 1 NTH 1711 Jl lICIn aj III trl tritt t of the he state of utah in and for carbon county george v ford trustee truster on behalf ot of and all other ather stockholders of the sa voy ho hotel ea similarly who ini in eee fit I 1 to come in and axi made mado p artles tu to th this I 1 s action and contribute to the thereof plaintiff vs bo hotel company a c corporation jer r po r ration tion K N it jensen john jen n aen en hyrum haird baird and C it marcu e n representing them aehee and all other stockholders at 0 the savoy hotel com compan pan ho a do n not a t come in and become partle pi to this action defendants notice Is 1 here b ghen kit en that the ra re for the hotel company has filed a petition in the above entitled court for the mic wile of all the an ats of the ako ao 80 hotel company which maid petition hill ill be heard beard on the cui i day of bf A april april 19 16 at fit 9 0 clock a m I 1 1 and any and all persons who have any objections or protests to make against 11 the ml foil of bald ld property must file the marne with the clerk of the aboe tn en titled court on or before the ath fay eay of at april 1918 1915 D df hirezi HIR EAi he beir 1 r firt pub bub itch 13 last ats I 1 |