Show sin will cwm ROADS work to ommen at onet coni com nilA iloner transact act hat rut utti little little business nn transacted at the regular meeting oc of the county board tuesday and wing ins ing to a er light treasur few bills amre allowed the full board was as in attendance upon rep represent resort tion of olivir T it harmon a rmon that tho the condition of mrs mar ann I fosgreen of 11 ellington as quite beriou her present allowance of td from the count tan T an continued for a of three months acting upon edvice from scofield charke johnson an I 1 william burroughs burroghs were allo util the aum of 5 in m merchandise er chandise from the store of ia I 1 tho thorn m as it vai tu decided that no now was as the proper time to drag tho the broadi and that a little work at this timo time sac many doll dollin tri of expense later on heidral 1 dae das will 1 be put on tho the thoroughfares ough ugh fares between irice price and helper on the south road to emery county and to sunn side the nork will bo be enter the of V I 1 8 S dun as 3 nho pending the absence u of county cu ty john 11 I orre der aa aa appointed temporary road com missioner C C Cl clainton Clai atison iton asked tu to to ie authorized t ta repair the lilack bridge the matter mas ae berred to to 1 S 8 donlen 3 at the request of counti a arapi r thu the board appointed lee thoma of cofield an deputy ar sessor for that place clear creek and min AV inter T 11 13 ier wa appointed JU justlee 01 0 peace at tit kenilworth eni horth J U V sur ling alln a recent appointee of tho tha board h euln tinly failed to fred U V roberts wae wag appointed a justini of the peace at clear creek the bond of robert benzle Menz le constable of 0 winter quarters vaa as ap J I 1 was as granted a liquor license for the town of scofield cid A resolution aa adopted instruct ing the county attorney to arrange to sell 11 a R count Nar barrant n arrant rant of monthly until others other lao igo notified each of ouch wa warrants rants to be id december 16 MS with interest Inter cut for tho the purpose of pro providing IdIng fund to tako take care of current ex expense |