Show OUID PASS frol amily D 11 D TO st DENT OF BO lit r r jieri h 14 after 1 long 1 of I ervick not a it gould Is I 1 ltd on un bharti st action I 1 x s in 1 I A it 11 0 ST LOVIS march 9 the pacific iron mountain aln railway nucleus of the no so called gould lines bawd today from the control of the gould far rills an elm tl tion on nf of otti era em and director this carried ft ith it financier financiers generally Lonc Lonec cdcil cled i of tho connecting and rib ordinate illo orande grande wexter r acl fl by which de of jay gould the preat rallia finan t cler link d the middle west to khz th coalt instead of the could a proxy cam mittic by kuhn loob loeb A co and the guarantee trust company ol 01 nen york controlled today a to eloc eta aton lon ut at tv hach 63 pir cent of the ato block ck u A i doted aliw comp complete teta vias aa the ch chasie ke wax indicated in n part by the removal of three goulds and buffery of new york it longtime lone time gould executive from tha the boards bu 41 1 14 1 ait Ilat ci 11 P ilu hu h 11 ho succeeded jaffery varna time ago na a pr eident of the joner ver illo grande and I acl 1 flu tic railroads ewunes into tho the saddle to day up chairman of iho the board of dl ill rec ors of the and the st fit loul iron mountain southern hallwa rall wair r and hi his rl elf action presently to the tile fame same position x ith the alto grande Vee Nce pacific estem vaa conceded to be probably a matter of colrue today ho lie ld george jay gould ron of jai ja could founder of tho the family fortune an aIrmAn 11 of the beard board and george 0 oree jai ja gould could not to the new board 11 ills li brother I rank J gould and hta his non King kingdon dou gould 29 tars old aid vice acu and members of the board were not elected reelected re in cither either capacity lillei J shepard an aatlo ill curf pacific rall rone roo man who met mils helen gould jay gould a daughter a aesy w seam agu ago uh hen lit ehe she was touring the bittern and married her in 1913 was uns elected reelected re elat ted to 0 o both diorec toradee today from sacramento val 1 carne word that a had ten en introduced in the legislature asking to have the government purchase and 0 operate the th western pacific now operating indr a I 1 x the new of tho pacific arn adward A william it 1 lee leo and r J 11 u carion of bt st boult and nicholad sIch Nich olaM 1 11 brady lewcomb carlton alton A J Corri cilus and W V it williams Wll llama of new I 1 york ork the old director arc are lien gainin F flush edgar marston Al areton edwin G Merrl ll finley J shepard and it Lan lancester ceLter williams Wll llama the old directors ho are not on the new board ar are george J gould edwin gould kingdon gould james speir speer F 0 adams 1 J 0 G metcalfe Metca ife 1 I T jeffary lad ind H P a |