Show IN THE DISTRICT CO OF or aln united state states for the district of utah in the matter of william J Heb nel holtz iholtz vol bankrupt in bankruptcy no 1946 to the creditors CH dItora of william J of cr in the county of at carbon and district aforesaid a bankrupt notice la Is hereby given that on the day of 0 december 1914 the william J wan anly 1 adjudicated bankrupt and that tj first bacting of his creditors will be held at my m V office in the continental blok salt lake lata city utah on the edth dai dal of at february rebr uary 11 1916 at 10 in the forenoon at which time the cald said may attend prove their claims appoint a trustee examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly coma come before bald said meeting salt lake city february 1 11 1919 Ilet erce in |