Show IN lav THI DISTRICT OV THE united states for the district of utah in the matter of william J gordon bankrupt no 1759 in Bankrupt ci P for or discharge to the honorable john A marshall judge of tho the district court ol 01 the united baates for or the district of 0 utah william 3 gordon of 0 helper in the county of carbon and state ot of utah in said district respectfully represents that ca a tho the day ot of february laet last past he was duly adjudged bankrupt under the acts oc of congress relating to bankruptcy ci 5 that he be has feuly surrendered ren derel all his property and rights of 0 prop drop ty and haa has ully fully complied compiled with all tho requirements ot of eald said acts and ot the murders of the court touching hta his bankruptcy wherefore he lie prays that ho he may be decreed by the court to have a fall full discharge from all debts provi blo against his estate under eald said bankrupt acts except such debts as are exempted by liw from uch such discharge dated date d this esth day ot of april A 1 I Is 1114 14 n WILLIAM J GORDON bankrupt |