Show is M C ga olti MoNON IOU SHOT 1 IV wick 11 AND I D 0 a o lound as to Itten tit of 0 U pall anUt atad man had money in to hanks and it if Is utile ted a aars I 1 am sum urn in licit bell george ekonomou a gretic mell el known throughout tb ahr county wn murdered between leear brtek ard scofield tim between satui day night and sunday morning the body wai found arly bunday hundal by the arl n ho the switch train th eherdt rhe ritte 9 office was summoned and deputy itka tint to the scene I 1 to this time homerr hoMe has vr there 1 Is ab Nia no clew to the of the crimi ikonomou ana killed by being shot in the buck blick of the iseah tn to presumed to hao have been tho the motive for or the murder six the lail dad mane mans clothing plainly that the pockets hed had been rifled of their contents and a march had aleo also IN cit made for a mony money mon y alt bi it whether one wan was found or not or whether the dead man had any amount of money on hta his perron la in not known knon lying near the body aaa as a it email small caliber revolver and a liar ajeh in a kit mm found il blip slip showing in lit a anver boik bank lie aas at also ato o i L depositor at one nf or the tile local lbanks here he had to his credit count thorne tt orne thomae thomas rout ala visited clear creek in an endeavor to find out borne clan t to ab the identity of the murderer murderers but bah and after a thorough inquiry wai vias un able to uncover nry arl evidence that bould lead to tho of abo criminal local 1 oan belles believe n that the dead man had a considerable sum of money in a belt one distant relative slitting ting that bi Ws vaa as of or thu opinion op linion it amounted to p perhaps tar h api SOO salt lake lM of trie a dead man have been at tit clear creek creck and during thi welt and aw arre milking very evers poa ibl to run donn doan the murder |