Show ft it it it us of 11 asas rs 11 as 14 W st V x J on of f the price IY r 1 idl 11 h T ald a at t his hom home at e last 1 sunday day the re alere bought brought here for burtal burfal rg last T u edday 1 adow 1 accompanied by of lom tho the deceased death ar Kr er atton atlon tor for kidney trou brou beamed ed I 1 as born at autin texas 93 ya old eor 6 on one month anth and two i 16 it la lie 8 1 bated ted in I 1 in klut lut aho fai earn antl and remained hero here for or when hi he aind fife d to bloh 1 perty no ile ach valuable lalun alu bia able h it t h IN locate lo decrv catl at moffat on be ton COIL at anil and in th idoft bidol 4 doft I 1 A aist t four brothers I 1 the 1116 brothers broa bro r our 1 lve thu the deceased two tin tun tex tej and a alstor r uv live at well k while alle the others othe rii who ho W in 1 price john T reit 0 frat this hi tate state and gore georg r california r a er tl w ibex were e held fram id to by crockett residence con I 1 ev i A jones |