Show CN CV M WITH COIL SLACK IC lt prof II 11 it ketchum of the ucher er lit it jf f UL utah th hat hax ref w word 6 rd from the engineering acs cs that 1 it t hoa ham accepted for or pulli publication cation in an article hr ht u wrote rote on the subject of coal black concrete tho the article aas a an abstract abr tract of a chesin ritten hi bi robert flagel a graduate or the in engineering who A ho in now with ith the th state road natine r in the let letnik nit ot of the coal mime mints of castern attah there in 1 a great scarcity at 0 cand sand or grael crat el for making concrete con creto and coal slack has therefore been ud at some of the mines instead of cand and arn el 1 for making concrete iu ine ing of this pet pc ullar LUllar local con can diolun the decided to in the th properties of moncrete gon i crete made of portland cement a 0 coal dack lack and 11 mr 1 gel made a brits of experiments and arote rote hie his chals under Net Ketchu chums mH direction to Jett the strength fit rl of uch much concrete compared ith erdl nan ra concrete ua made of and mand ond and gra gnp proved that concretes con creti crets m tito coal black slack from front the borning alnet as orth lera ca beaufo of the c cliance 1 iange ut of alume of the lignite coal d due u to ch chincie in tho the amount of or mol iture turf antle ry eid concrete ran anai ix bt made of the coal elack lack from rom carbon county elnes such con creto at the age of ae dom dt leina just about cilc no am strong ae as rand and rmel concrete the ume age and same a amount of cement th the concrete made of coat coal slack Is 1 m much tich tighter lighter than ordin ordinary ry concrete bong only 60 cent a ae I 1 heavy BJ ai grael concrete thi this is 1 quite an advantage 1 in some kind of another important pelt t Is the fact act that the strength of the coal lack concrete 1 randly 11 it rita older |