Show ho ROADS LAW sum unla vial available lable for state slate work during year the good roade road s movement in utah I 1 alread widespread and a ro re mar kably heI healthy thY growth growt will receive added impetus thin this ear it the legli legin lature act faor favorably ably on the reveral bill bills bufor that boan calling for ex 0 tures in different sections of the state and which have as their pur pose the completion of mer overstate state 0 highways each forming i t unit link of 0 a transcontinental route or a connection gov billi un irn spry in irk hie mee tage to the placed himself on re cord as am fa favoring oring high highway was for the peo pic of the state ae as against roads that tavo ialo I t avo alo ae ax their first purpose the furnishing fishl n c of r ma main I 1 n arteries of travel in and 0 out ut of at its bordera borders member of the legislature and state engineer morgan hold afferent Hf lif ferent bews lewa and believe bellee that when the eato has haq over oer elate highlia connecting i up with tr ans continental routha of travel that terser connecting links will natural 13 follow it the brownlee Brown lne measure providing for a bridge over the price at woodside Is enacted the original kid land trail from the Color colorato aeo line to salt lake will bo be in fair in their efforts to put the midland trail I 1 in n chape hape a for travel during 1916 the people of colorado ha have u in invaded abed utah and have hae done aorl on the roads in arand grand co nta this work ork and the in rt allIng of three bridges br dee last year in grand county have hat d the midland trail from the detato line to green river in ver erbo fair condition i of orcen green ither and castle dak dail ind and the Inte intervening territory would hat have 0 the route 1 way und and work ork to this thin end will ill be ba started thia thin acar green 0 want ant a IL hil chay that will muke it convenient for them to ret get to the county seat beat which in Is cartle dale date and at the same time hope that such a road will get tho the overland prland ov automobile travel the road 96 will be paid for u alth ith emery wun ty t tax ix money the badge at woodside ald on the original trail v m III 11 do a away ay with fording larding when the he price li low and the cr crossing owins of the denver domer hlo orande grande I 1 ridge in times of high A road was built last year from wellington to and ao an tho the present road from front the last named point to AV ls Is in very fair shape the bridge over the price ri river c r ie J a all that li in needed to complete the original route from the colorado I 1 line no to salt lake I 1 rom ram all rou rees there will ill be n nv all able thia this year for the implom improvement ement ut f the road from salt lake b bv u way ay of ra provo colton calton duchesne roosevelt an I 1 I 1 arnal to the col colorado 0 rado lino and a over er 1 a l route first known n as the riko m peak ocean to ocean hi hicha gha about 5 0 0 0 ml it the necessary bridge and culverts arc are in und can gr briding tiling ha han already been done in addition to the he appropriation all ons arkid for it IP to expected that the usual amount for road construct n will be authorized b bv the le ur e AH m one prominent aate 1 official puta puts it if unless unk M something goes wrong when hen the next argi lature comener conven cn them there will be a bis big chanen change in LIW roads rods utah ie 1 ldean ake to thene h casity of good roada I 1 fully elpe to ir re ire e the good work ork go and in importance from year to eor car GA W road and for and arx o 0 |