Show ali sin DAV aki 1 1 STI J ins 1 ats 0 to 8 50 5 1 I III I 1 ilka I 1 is 0 HUR hug allt deran ing mill and adani itu ikin l acha allina baxt alc ile I 1 it 11 at 0 9 SO 50 1 I it is c of I 1 arst tiring UK us hekli a 4 sa 7 5 CITY nt march 6 5 cattle cold vold beter each day ince since mond daiy diy ty and celoso the week 30 to 40 cents higher than manila LI and around a quarter above the close of 0 last week weel have hae been moderate and the hole haa ban gathered strength 1 boot oot and mouth fears arc are vanishing rap rapidly lillY tubera being here thia this week eek central illinois the home of the epidemic packers expect the market I 1 to aroi in strength und kt app p their coolers filled to t apalit apac lt const antl li in rhth wa ani getting maximum of the advancing market native nathe steers sold said at 8 SO 50 this tk k and prime heifers nt at 8 25 26 to 8 40 bulk of the cleere 7 25 including some fed Web terns at 3 20 quarantine receipts hale base bun light the cars sell poll ing at the weeks top toda today 7 60 0 1141 11 1 I I 1 pounds lU ernee highest pric in that ahlston thia this quarantine bulls brought 6 50 alo 1 a new high pric e stocker and feeder prices range from 6 76 to 7 ISO 50 largel lar seli ome some panhandle feed re this beek at 7 60 and 7 70 choice stock calves cales worth 8 1 stock cown town and hellers 11 60 10 to 6 76 the est and south Sout linest act have hae cold rold few ft tid d cattle and it now up pears like these fee lera lers would receive good price prices for their cattle logs change fron day to da within a ismall range of 1 tops this week ranging from 6 65 to 6 SO 80 cloin clo cl oln in toda at b 75 bulk 6 65 to 6 70 market called 10 ct cata ants higher supply head receipts seem to be aal an 1 an advance in pric bricea ie Is about due packer packers will relax their opposition to an all advancing birket rn arket as an zon zo n as receipts recel pta delraso dec raso a little at the mock k 3 barda a ads helping them sell their large tocks of 0 pork product slaughter finia fini a tho the first of november fo No ember has ha been 17 per cent great greater er than a ear ago sheep and lambs alo oloe aloa a the mck leek holding all their etrene sotel lamba lambs weighing only 65 pounds selling nt at 9 SO 50 today kwea of first quality would bring 7 30 fair to good enex today at sit 7 20 0 1 ear earll lings brought 8 3 66 yest yesterday erda and not quite choice wid at 7 60 this n week oak are aro only today buday and moderate lien art arl expected next week I 1 |