Show quality 0 uta ity in c the supreme point about our is their reliable quality bur business isn iguess work we i know for a fact that our groceries 3 are of the very best quality before we let them enter the stores we aej have found that these are the kind of groceries most people want avant don t get set the idea that high ty makes our prices high for ita it j doesn doean at t we carry a complete line of general merchandise and anda our service service is is unexcelled it 0 I 1 is time oil ift wasatch store co coo Is deb they and stores at sunnyside Sunny side castle gate cate winter quarters and wt clear creek 4 11 ud to I 1 to 13 A act salt attl ve we 4 strive 5 t ir i V to T please P I 1 we carry a most complete stock of general merchandise including staple and fancy groceries shoes dry goods sad notions we can furnish anything for the ranchman or ahe epman our prices arc are the lowest and our goods are of the beet best it is a pleasure to quote prices price and show good J M MILLER colron UTAH utah fuel company co jl an y s MINERS AND SHIPPERS CARBON COUNTY COLS COL S ALSO manufacturers OF COKE carbon county count coals arc are the best in the market for horses mules for mines hay and grain mine wile props ties and various other local products HOME industries patronized CI general aeral offices seventh floor boor audgo building salt lake city mines at clear creek winter quarters castle gate utah mine and Sunny sunnyside side carbon county utah 0 the central ha d barber shop and pool hail silva Silv 9 ni block price utah basement under corner S PALLAS prop ATTORNEYS D D ROM attorney at law lax ir ta the courts of th state and the federal reder cour court t L office lake eighth city floor utah returns build ing Q C attorney at law will practice 11 in all the th court courts 0 the state tale office at county countr court houe house price I 1 bicle W D livingston lawyer 1 water and anti minina litigation shen special attention land mattera matt erx col eol and all legal bustnes will practice in all the court courts boyd bod burldine Eull Buil dinc dine salt lake city utah samuel 4 king claude 1 L king KING KING attorneys at law commercial block salt lait balc city IV if FRYE A attorney adlaw at law practice ts la in all courts of the state tal alao also la to the federal court courts io 10 f the ulles building price etab RICHARD B THU THURMAN ILMAN attorney at law will practice in au all tate state and 14 aral era courts ail doston BuIl dlag salt lake city utah feidinand FEn DINAND ERICKSEN law lawyer ex judge bid salt lake lako city L 0 HOFFMANN attorney at law laty office in porker parker wetter weeter block UTAH GEORGE A COLE at law federal and state land office inc arao ako tko tk watce poston ton salt lab lako loty L A mcgee attorney at law price atah physicians A C SORENSEN physician Phy sidan and surgeon in and ch chu drena drens ulana general surry and medicine office in parker weeter ngock price utah 1 UTAH r r FISK physician and surgeon 1 atair DR E F chamberlain physician and sargeon surgeon office ner oer golden raulf miscellaneous it J TURNER anti mining I 1 sun of nil all und linds aline ealm anil and reports on coal balda p y 0 12 32 price utah I 1 i 1 jre etli LAM LAND CO atla atlas block slit lake cita att ctt II 11 J I 1 At torny j CS in concrete work I 1 1 UTA Etl mt nn cundler Cund lar walk lava J all kha et 01 contract contracts cheerfully modean machinery and method Mt hod j a a f pott port nf r 4 coup otar ala MIM mr birs tt UM clala C 0 o i 0 egden 1 1 1 n racking n co I 1 v X BRANCH HOUSE AT PRICE UTAH PRODUCTS ask for nectar brand ham hams and bacon gold leaf and seo sego lily brands of lard also full line of fresh meats and sausages r p only utah packers operating ts under government inspection 4 belo a aft A IL I 1 al im im AV IL N A aft X 0 U U r an PROVISION rin mass v MON u CO 6 1 AN ODGEN SALT LAKE PRICE AAA 4 4 0 K 5 A te test for liver Coni complaint plaint mentally dull the liver sluggish and IttiG eUve first shows itself in a mental mertal tat unhappy and critical never ever te is tir joy in living as when the stomach and icier 11 tr are ar doing their work I 1 kep esp your liver active bid healthy by urine using or dr kine kings new now life lila rills 1 thy th empty the bowels frell freel tone up your acom ach cure your bonatt uon stion and purify the tho blood csc at druggist druff elet Buc klona arniel salo FW a excel excellent lont for or pit adv ilie lour laundered by lx alx x perta lo 10 al laundr salt lake clothe clothes ailed lor on tuesday tm adny artir noon delivered td juennie welsh utne eastern utah telephone afan oneco co wishes to announce that effective peb feb 36 26 the rate for minute 3 conversations will be reduced prom from 25 to 15 cents ce n ts for distances within a radius of three miles from anastation any station eastern utah telephone co C 00 kentuck Y 1 2 quor IN ULM so MARRY HARRY GESAS prop distributors for BUDWEISER and zap IG aj L 9 to jer case 24 lare large bottles 55 bur case 40 small bodies bottles IL jer case casc 24 large S 00 ing per case CASC 41 4 small bet rebate on case of bottles q house A UR suits are rich v in appearance perfect in fit and handsomely hand h a n d tailored to your measure V oso the hobt a perfect j clothes cyca roade made if it yea YOU wear LAMM LARK ft COMPAN lS hand haud tailored clothes for MCL E are showing 9 the smartest sai artest W fabrics in ill a varied assort meat of colors and pattens patterns for spring a ad SP your early inspection is FRANK L BUCKIO price utah the white while dove has ta in all sam been dear deemed moed a n ernsten of peace and it ha has to bk bartall var vart tAll abl been true especially in ba faculty affair affairs where you 1104 a ack mck of whits f dow don akur peace and heir harmony mony prevails till this lj Is a high grade utah I 1 ilour lour very every rak 1 in guaranteed old sold by the price n co price co carbon county commission co no trust meat and grocery co 0 erden store in fact no tint first plane claw grocery store has his stock complete unless he carrle carries this brand of flour 4 VI M flearl d trademark Trai lemark 72 the high I 1 y COAL COAL lbs for beorn will not slack beet best of steaming and heating qualities independent goal coal coke go mint tines it at kenilworth utah gen ohidee walker danic SALT JAICE 1 northeim NOR THERiN THERm BAR try thine girat cia aa up adt Court courteous fair 1 to AIL |