Show A LOVER OF MEATS always appreciates the tho exquisite fineness rich ness and purity of our meats there are many kinds but we have one standard for all kinds A reat variety also oi of ill al the regular lines of fresh and salt meats phone your orders the no trust market JOSEPH prop phone 31 21 UTAH 11 LARS FRANDSEN manufacturer ot at brick of all kinds yarda yards na the denver deaver and rio railroad corn earn pany on the south three block blacks baat t of depot office at home corner main maln and sixth treet tn given 1 and nud prices on oil application P 0 box 03 phone tax anic UTAH the utah saloon J W c TRY sier float ort in La I sterll utah LIQUOR AND CIGARS AND art tm va 2 ON T TAP 1111 qi 1 N T T PRICE vr itil etione we deliver the clio good R sheep ranch saloon Sfa WINES LIQUORS 11 BEERS and CIGARS LOT 1 EAM 82 lot A t X 0 feet a for sale le juit just eaxt east of turner tu r n er b u 1 on cn main treet street special bargain it if t plen at once terms inquire ot of 0 D papa 70 commercial Com street PAU salt lae city att rubber of every description old gold by the advocate dm our job department la is up to date try us u on that next order of printing the advocate adit adm VV tV dr M V malon maloney ey D DENTIST r MST painless methods prices are reasonable written guar guarantee autte given with all work crown and bridge bork a specialty plates that fit it and do not make the mouth sore sora five can cars in carbon county estimates and examinations staidly gladly given free reo of charge iimura 1112 11 12 a m and ls 15 pm p in sunda sunday 10 to 12 al office in new agul build tag inc corner orner main and esth sta stal rubber stamps of ever description le sold by the rho advocate ad vt BLITE 1 T BA az iliff yr in OLD CAR BROOM WHISKEY and everything the highest trade in the luor liquor and clear tine line CHAS AVERILL amm uram V I 1 jtb fr t subscribe for the advocate Adso cate I 1 X AFTER AF LA ALL J V Z 4 X i i IT 1 i 1 i X thu the t old reliable abbe I 1 44 T A firm fa t 0 j Is HEad headquarters qua for lix lumber r j an and building materials 4 t A i f 4 X when you order from us you get v Y w what hat you want when you want it A v Y to t 4 1 bicz D t I 1 I 1 J C weeter L FA I 1 company wt I 1 A w A the I 1 re incomparable rable overland Ov erlda nd x A ove 1 I 1 and model 79 8 WHEEL PRICE alf EMERY P Y AUTO LINE AG Aa ElSTS T rf t i 1 l |