Show millinery modes for spring one particularly happy fact in iii colu eltion nith bijil hats for spring is the wide diversity cf et styls and how one can cau fail to fin hal I 1 methi nito please is rather hard to imagine ay iy at tile begin beginning aing of the season models are small and small smaller MAU smallest lest would describe the bats this season their shape being hardly larger than the head itself on the other hand when rhea days arc are warmer or ar occasion demands it the shepherdess dess or pole poke bonnet Y ill be orn I 1 we are shoeing both styles will be pleased to sho joa aich style is best sailed to toyhar your face race bessie kennedy millinery IR jib 0 nom O X tte e dont jou OU wion on t if ou buy bur Ipsa flour and hing 1 coal coat 4 t ri let I 1 hono hone 88 illuk iraa pras A ekuni minx co C Stock growers and farmers 9 store groceries and farm supplies we are now handling grain hay and flour in carload lots JUS JUST T INQUIRE phon 7 4 we are sa sailing ailing 0 into be the third week of our CLOSING OUT SALE and when we see the he CROWDS of PEOPLE gather at this store each day and hear tham make he the remark what wonderful BAR and when we see hem them coming a back time and again it shows that we are doing just as we advertised this stock of goods mast must be sold and in order to do this from now on until sold we arc are patting putting ont out each DAY and WEEK special articles at closing ont out PRICES below are a few articles for saturday and ail ai next week now yon you should visit this store each day and take advantage of these special priced goods that we have cut to the core ladies oxfords mens dress shoes mens dress hats over pairs of odds and we have quite a large line of ends of these oxford oxfords that these hats all gou goud U the famous Bost orsi and corn sold for numbers that sold at to mon wealth dress shoe shot for M men en 3 00 special now choice of your for quality and fit it there is the lot at 1 none better we have over 60 all meis these shoes will make you good pair of these shoes our i dress H hats als at cheap house shoes each pair that sold at going an extra bar bargain 9 aln special now at values of mens dress hats now wool blankets mens dress shoes goodall good ail wool blankets mens work gloves that sold at 8 F for style fit and Qua quality ity they behave we have a good assortment of your pick for cant be beat bach each mens work gloves both with pair that sold at 4 or without gauntlets gauntlett gaunt lets that must cotton blankets now be sold at once so if you want a good glove now is your opportunity grade blankets an port pori unity at mens dress shoes all gloves at 70 comforters allour all our mens all gloves at 1 1 dress shoes special value comfort M at ers at alou all gloves at dt 1 these are high grade Comfor comforters ers these are all new and up te date and made to wear no shoddy shoes not a bad style in the all gloves at cotton in them whole lot 1 dont fail to come to the big bi closing out sale now low going on at the JL NEW N yd YORK CASH WANTED five hundred head of sheep to fd foed B ericksen Eric keen elmo utah I 1 hao ta good quarter blocks III lease or rent on shares this to good responsible party to cul cultivate and take care of good proposition to right parti part addria it E left price utah jou ou can get a good bicycle at goodmana Gool mana mano at prices that arc are right if reward the r aders if j alila paper will ba pleased to learn that there la IS at least one dreaded thit science I 1 a axen a able ble to cure in all its nn an I 1 t that h at la Is catarrh hall I 1 fall catarrh k turn tire Is 1 the only y 1 baura curo mw known to tho a 1 P 1 catarrh acin beans a constitutional disease requiems a constitutional treat rient ment hall balls a catarrh curo cure 13 1 taken internally ter nally acting directly upon tho blood end and ot of ahm in tn thereby tho the foun tit of ilic tile 11 raw and givans the P 1 1 1 L 11 str nath by up the const I 1 U 1 1 1 a ani n I 1 a jal stIng nature mature in n dalna its wort wor c th 3 pr have no so much filth in inq lt pow ers fr that they nhun oc c drol bollara lar lor for any cara that it fulla falls to cure send for or 11 allt m t pt of t ad tr ea 4 r J A CO CC toledo poll bv all 1 ae te take ellla t f f r KM K 4 44 4 llin ilA BRO BROS nnnie S X t 4 s tl TI N 1 I t i 2 no long walts waits 3 no short weights 1 4 courteous treatment 5 good goods 6 low price 7 quick service 8 3 ire delivery 9 there on time 10 sure ot of best qualities we ul our operation cooperation co in thu plan to protect lour own interest Int creet am well ae as our own j BROS groceries of all kind domestic and anil emried loode floods 5 Is 18 44 4 henry J dike and wife the niece 1 of 11 II it 11 Donald and antl mia jennie dike a inter ister ard miss 1 adith dike a con cou rf r f chicago ish cited mr anil and mi bit it mcdonald wednesday anil and e cst A alai tia they were returning homo home fro n a M ano 0 months trap to t the coant coast where they visited both fairs mr bir diko describes the ban san 1 exposit exposition lon an the croal tho tile world him has ever eer seen I 1 ho to was in n chicago during tho the world worlds fair aar thero mere arid and spent three months at the chicago fair of which ho he any says was a patching patch lne to the one in san francisco Kranc laco mr 1 pike ike la tn prominently engaged in tn tho the real estate in chicago ITO iu THE TE pr PUBLIC U T D 1 LIC 41 11 V WE WE wish to announce that there will xa at X be a meeting of the stockholders of the carbon county commission Y S 0 company within a few days at which y xit it is probable a new company will be bex formed which will take over the stock Y X and business of the carbon county X v X commission company which amounts A Y to a about bout and continue th thet ty f Jt tf 4 J extensive ril A A same on a more plan 1 number of very influential boosters of ofa price and j r carbon u r county have 1 ex pressed a desire to become interested 4 in in the new concern which points to X X the establishment of the most modern Y up to date store in eastern utah X 4 tt arf |