Show NOTI 1 I ro A rj it 11 it state I 1 11 gafke j rice rait salt lake city 17 1116 1915 no til is hereby riven given that gamliel leis I eft whose post postoffice office fico addre la Is price utah hae har laoc application in accordance with the if the C ci ijane of L 1 ih lh 1907 1901 as am crded by the section laws or utah 1909 and 1911 to appropriate tva and twenty eight hundredths 3 2 28 cubic feet of water per from soldier creck carbon count i utah bald said will lie diverted illert eol at a point which lies lien feet south and anti feek west of the 4 corner of section 26 twp 14 south range 11 fae ram salt lake base u and meridian and coince coincy cd ed by means of it u ditch for a fil ril stance of feet and there ared fram march 1 to october 31 inclusive of each year to irrigate acrea acres of land enit rated in the tile pant half halt of section 26 2 twp 14 bouth range II 11 east bait halt lake base and meridian an much of said water as may be necee sr airi will be ased during tho the entire u car for purpose this thin ap av Is designated in tho the engineer engine erx office as no all protests against 11 tho the granting KT of said applied application tion stating the reasons must bo be mado made by affidavit in duplicate accompanied by a no tto tt o of 2 SO 50 and anti tiled filed in I 1 ie to office within thirty 30 daya days after the compi comP lel of the publication of this notice D state engineer date of first publication february 26 1915 date of completion of bubli tation march starch 2 29 1915 |