Show TAX MEASURES PASS ou out Iru poM to constitution affecting mille the two tax which have occupied the attention a oc of tho the konsto for thi tho last 11 two to weeks ere pawed paw tuesday buet day by it I 1 oto at oc 0 f 12 to t 0 0 and no tico ol 01 r consideration aniam aa ivan it ite consider ut lon man later field r and the bills ham have been finally t ba tho the senate one pie avre aas a iloner bill nd and the other joint no so a 8 and both were rec by the so governor vernor lud aud wit tb f tate boa board r d of equalization ono one pro idaa for a constitutional ea I 1 m bated the provision that cinci may bo taxed only on ou an v aa te ciment ament not to exceed the price pain the tho government for the ground it permit taxing sn an nt not to w fam 4 aeed three times tho the net proc coda the other ie is a house hill providing limitation limitations in tho the levy for taxes that aro are designed to compel at actual cisch valuation under th the present law and conditions condl tlona general property in thu the state 1 N taxed on an assessment arylne fron front 14 to 60 per der mat of trio alue hile minu p pa on per cent of this the net proceeds proc ceda in 1 I the event of the passage of th bill and the failure of the con can aliouse the taxation from the minea mines of the elate bould be radi cd at least about ono one third of ite its amount it was ax bertett on an the floar of thi bennu the constitutional reso Iti littlon tion 8 J II 11 no 8 11 b benator U D 0 lost in tho the senate monday but after bill no ko bad the amendment rew lution was brought up again and by juat the required two mo thirds vote 0 ot 12 to 6 carbon county uras taken as an example by the legislators favoring favori nR the bill senator evans said it waa was on one of the richest counties count lei in the bbate in point of re sources una and ought to be b able to act on without financial trou brou blen blem and yet ho he cald the county war bankrupt and officials were now trying in aln sin to borrow 1 an a a 0 temporary loan for iino needs in carbon county tho the figurito given show tho the apportionment or of the elate state board of equalization aa al totaling for 1315 and tor for 1 1914 sir mr evans i bowed ho wed a table ct cr na proceed proceeds of mine apportionment nn as follow follows 1913 fuel S 10 4 ind coal A coke 6 17 95 pleasant valle co 2687 utah fuel co Dr decrease creame in net proceeds cde of mine as a examples Klami ilen figures he mild assid gave gme an au example of thu thit may the present law were ivere not enforced and it waa was certain that this meant that other Int creat of tho the state muff erLd ii through having to make up the difference senator I 1 it inight wid raid that th palagi of the bill limiting ruto rate of taxation in a manner to comel camel compel campel pel u alem of property at actual cash alu atlon without passing the amendment would corli an injustice on ott the property of the state outside the mining industry Indu atry while should the constitutional amendment prevail and thy the b zw tha mining Inte reetA would b be hard and unsubtly to the benefit of other taxpayers of the state the ote ate on an gamse of the reeola tion wax was mi an follows for the resolution 13 bradley Ur adley alaez edgheill funk hansen thornley Thors and wootton B 9 against the resolution colton cot trall tr 11 craig dern cherly Lh erly WOM wight and ferry perry 11 the high mccool economics elos lut fast friday I made a thorough inspection ion of the oem gem bakery which inott ution as pointed out by prowl the h instructor AS 9 L model la every proprietor treated lag gueft to aad AM |