Show sol stil I 1 STATES US mil TH 11 o appropriation Alca measure hure 14 1 killed duchene 1 14 bastl las tl thousand and dollar for fload out ol 01 thre thrle million on hundred and fifty four thousand nine hundred and nd beighl heen dollars and at caty 1 live cents to run the bbate to 01 0 utah for two cars and three montha waa nas asked of the Thurs Th ureda dal thib mighty sum represents the grand total tot il of the general appropriation bill to b bo introduced today by the tho joint committee on appropriations and claim and to be acted upon before tho th legislature adjourns adjo urna which meane means bome time today although the joint committee pared and cut and ela pruning the budgeter bud acts of the alloun 1 otate depart ineita and institutions and alewing ath with alarm all legi slathe bilan carrying appropriations the grand total of the general appropriations bill exceeds the estimated by approximately halt a it i dollars damace the bill In cludis as la in tUE all the thlu maker all the imp authorized by statute for the operation of the governmental and state institutions and a well mell the claims against thu the state including those of citizen who ho suffer suffered td frum from the biath town ton n flood this tati d t the breaking brcak of the clat dam last earing rc re in dani dari icee viges amount ae ng in the claims in lit thu tho hill to this monca ho boniver hot niver vcr oats not como come out of the states general fund bi inc nga from the rt v r air 1 land krant grant I 1 nd ind b i the tau land board timateo El M mated revenue ot of the tilte rt tte for i two tuo scars in 1 S the brown ink 13 bill an iding an annual automobile ta tax juat junt pa wid pid by both houm s 1 N esperti d to ar aid d to the state A coffer coffers in th next two tao sears ears and the 0 the law relating ta to cor po horation lor atlon ration tixel an art to bring in an additional this would bring the total revenue rever ue up to t S ar again t the total appropriations of 75 it must be borne in mind hocer bov that thir appropriation bill ie is design d to carry the state for twenty petri minthy instead of two tuo 5 sar sarv v am hn has ben ur ur tomar the glon tor twenty jiin months la in to oblate obviate the of an mer geney appropriation at the opening of the ext leirl slature juil mork the joint com committed mittet of which senator chillem cottrell of suit sit lake Is ch orm in and bathe mlford Vl lford di D i if of iron county Is 1 lies bicz chairman has bren vor corking king on thit thin 1111 I 1 ill aln amnie c the hewlon opt nd it was ual late lit ift I night when nhen th committee approved it and P F I banff ing denb icker clerk or the committee finished the task of preparing pre prep tring it for the printers the printed bills will lit be rt ad toda ilond orand grand 4 tinion t high wit 52 road in uintah barin 1 25 bridge across 1 htone pitr 1 ridge or oer price river mint to rand grand count road in waine wane count GArtl eld count road 1500 lincoln hig highway hay indian canion roid C irbon count counts 1115 15 midland trail repair OlL allanic olta anic nl bridge MCI san juan county road roads bogra and nard rt city road 20 mor gan county road samir coun 0 t sevier and counti count road inep crick road roid clara crick I 1 ridge morgan lorgan county road 2000 and 50 for relief of indian war ar crana attim in in in lit bill 1111 the th appropriations lit it the bill are he fis follow A TO th tb governor to the ocre tars ol 01 plate 00 to the otate auditor 39 S 19 00 to the gattorno at torne general Rc nral to the mate tr usurer 1885 00 bureau of labor ind 14 4 af 6 00 state bank blink commission 1321 SOO state d alry and food bureau 00 state coal mino mine state cher rilEt 00 stat 00 engineer sa 00 state lle live flock stock anop aitor 2 00 state board ot of amp corn com 00 state board of equalization 2 27 27 00 hoard of birdon state board of ho health alth ac 6 37 00 hoard of or horticulture 00 state board e al land botn ml doherr 00 keate F tat e board ot of education 00 state board at of cx examiner arri liters 00 board of loan come 11 i u allo court commis tion 00 national N guard of utah OG 00 state supreme court 67 00 DI brict courto courts 1107 00 school school for the dat clear and the blind suite state beard of 00 stat aute 1 I of 0 00 VIA attah h ag r college branch agricultural college at odar cit citi I 1 1800 18 00 00 state fair 00 state road comini slon tor kor deficits authorized hy by the tho hoard board of 98 1 11 and appropriations 00 special appropriations 65 hare share of reix re ix 11 ing county map maps and plata 2496 2 19 Legi slathe cipe noer to insurance in companies com panice refunds on an account of firemen fund law held unconstitutional state fish and game corn cam aw state board of examiners aa S 50 00 flatch town flood claims to agricultural mollyo to comp complete listo plant 56 basof 2 04 toul total elt ilk |