Show OT rICK sau sal lake CU utah february 17 1116 to W mont ferry you are hereby notified that the undersigned hia his h ia expended in labor lanor and improvements upon each of the following placer ining clam clams da a s to wit the surprise isu 1 last chance and Sunn ld no 1 in the th tidwell minina district carbon county utah as v appear by off affidavit ida it lied filed janu ary sa 3 1 in hook 1 12 page a in tho office of the county recorder of carbal i cuny utah in order to hold uld premises under the of 2324 Ite statutes statute of at the th united betas the mount amount re to quiren to hold the tha aam same for or the ear ending mcember ck M cember 31 1514 1 and if within ninety 10 da days from date of the laet it publics loa a 0 this notice you all fall oc at rewn to min contribute tribute your pr portion or of such BJ as to ader a der in said cladas will the property tr of at tha th sub ab scriber under UTAH iff V OK 0 L ZV zaw te ts 4 PUM peb xe st t in tart joe SW if |