Show I 1 NOTI salt balt cit utah dreb 17 1015 to W mont fry 1 aou ou are hereby notified that tho the undersigned haa has expended 00 in labor and improvements upon each of tho the following placer mining claims to wit the S no a 1 I last chanco chance anil and Sunny alde no 0 o 8 8 at 1 in the tidwell aln an g UD district as tr et carbon county utah as win will appear toy by affidavit filed january as im 1915 1 in dook book 12 paga page 1 in the office 0 of the count counti recorder of carbon county utah in order to hold aid sald premises under the provisions of section 2324 revised of the united being the amount required to hold the same for the icar within i finety 60 90 days from date of the last publication of this notice ou fall or refuse to contribute your proportion af t such expenditure oil wi co owner lour interest in eald maid claims will become the property of the sub scriber urn cr section 1324 UTAH it COMPANY dy by 0 IS IL bew lew lag 1 president birst pub I 1 leb eb 19 29 lost may 1415 14 l 15 |